+86 755-29577311 bisheng@ekonglong.com
YiKongLong Furniture (HK) Co., Limited
The modern office furniture: how to find the right desk
< p style = "padding - bottom: 0 px; text - transform: none; background - color: RGB (255255255); the text text-indent: 0 px; margin: 0 px 0 px 20 px; padding - left: 0 px; padding - right: 0 px; fonT: 12 px / 21 px Arial;Word wrap: break - word;White - space: normal;Letter - spacing: normal;Color: RGB (51,51,51);Word - break: break - all;Word - spacing: 0 px;Padding - top: 0 px;- its - text - stroke - width: 0 px"> before you buy a modern office desk, it is important to think about your employees' needs, the limitation of space, and comfortable work.

< p style = "padding - bottom: 0 px; text - transform: none; background - color: RGB (255255255); the text text-indent: 0 px; margin: 0 px 0 px 20 px; padding - left: 0 px; paddIng - right: 0 px;The font: 12 px / 21 px Arial;Word wrap: break - word;White - space: normal;Letter - spacing: normal;Color: RGB (51,51,51);Word - break: break - all;Word - spacing: 0 px;Padding - top: 0 px;- its - TexT - stroke - width: 0 px "> modern desk can affect employee's work force, but before you buy, there are some things to consider:

< p style = "padding - bottom: 0 px; text - transform: none; background - color: RGB (255255255); the text text-indent: 0 px; margin: 0 px 0 px 20 px; padding - lefT: 0 px;Padding - right: 0 px;The font: 12 px / 21 px Arial;Word wrap: break - word;White - space: normal;Letter - spacing: normal;Color: RGB (51,51,51);Word - break: break - all;Word - spacing: 0 px;Padding - top: 0 px;- its - text - stroke - width: 0 px "> modern office table surface, your employees will do most of the work in this surface. Before you buy a modern desk, consider for the desktop material surface most conducive to produce high quality work.

< p style = "padding - bottom: 0 px; text - transform: none; background - color: RGB (255255255); the text - indEnt: 0 px;Margin: 0 px 0 px 20 px;Padding - left: 0 px;Padding - right: 0 px;The font: 12 px / 21 px Arial;Word wrap: break - word;White - space: normal;Letter - spacing: normal;Color: RGB (51,51,51);Word - break: breaK - all;Word - spacing: 0 px;Padding - top: 0 px;- its - text - stroke - width: 0 px ">   modern administrative departments in any of various durable iconic wooden table motivate your employees work every minute. We provides not only a function of modern office table surface work, but they also immediately added to any office.

< p style = "padding - bottom: 0 px; text - traNsform: none;Background - color: RGB (255255255);The text text-indent: 0 px;Margin: 0 px 0 px 20 px;Padding - left: 0 px;Padding - right: 0 px;The font: 12 px / 21 px Arial;Word wrap: break - word;White - space: normal;lettEr - spacing: normal;Color: RGB (51,51,51);Word - break: break - all;Word - spacing: 0 px;Padding - top: 0 px;- its - text - stroke - width: 0 px "> modern office table size: your office desk need to adapt to your office work area have enough space to leave room for manoeuvre comfortable all day. Measure your internal in width and depth of the modern officeYou start shopping.2-3 feet walk, be sure to leave space on either side of the table not adjacent to a wall.

< p style = "padding - bottom: 0 px; text - transform: none; background - color: RGB (255255255); the text text-indent: 0 px; margin: 0 px 0 px 20 px; padding - left: 0 px; padding - riGHT: 0 px;The font: 12 px / 21 px Arial;Word wrap: break - word;White - space: normal;Letter - spacing: normal;Color: RGB (51,51,51);Word - break: break - all;Word - spacing: 0 px;Padding - top: 0 px;- its - text - stroKe - width: 0 px "> modern office desk has different shapes and administrative department, the standard table, you can find suitable for the size of your space."

< p style = "padding - bottom: 0 px; text - transform: none; background - color: RGB (255255255); the text text-indent: 0 px; margin: 0 px 0 px 20 px; padding - left:0 px;Padding - right: 0 px;The font: 12 px / 21 px Arial;Word wrap: break - word;White - space: normal;Letter - spacing: normal;Color: RGB (51,51,51);Word - break: break - all;Word - spacing: 0 px;Padding - top: 0 px;-Its - text - stroke - width: 0 px "> modern office table configuration: once you find the right amount of space on contemporary desk, determine the configuration meet the demands of your employees. Consider what kind of work will be carried out employees to open multiple paper and file? Will accommodate a printer, fax machine, and monitoring the table? Should take what kind of storage options, what's on the table?

< p style = "padding - bottom: 0 px; text - transform: none; the backGround - color: RGB (255255255);The text text-indent: 0 px;Margin: 0 px 0 px 20 px;Padding - left: 0 px;Padding - right: 0 px;The font: 12 px / 21 px Arial;Word wrap: break - word;White - space: normal;Letter - spacing: normal;Color: RGB (51,51,51);Word - break: break - all;Word - spacing: 0 px;Padding - top: 0 px;- its - text - stroke - width: 0 px "> regardless of your contemporary desk configuration, to ensure that our modern office furniture added every needs of employees.

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