Will the business sense of a friend , a sofa bed English of answers
hits:647beechparquet beech parquet bentwood (bend) bentwood birch white birch, birdseyemaple birds eye maple panels block Cape Dorset blockfloor parquet wood board blockboard fretwork sheet bottom plate bowing along the branches bend branchwood Brazilian mahogany wood brazilianmahogany brightsap net surface sapwood, no Leather sapwood broadleafwood hardwood, hardwood brownash American dark ash burl tree scars, burl sofa c ---- caul plate, lining cedar cedar, fir ceylonebony ebony cherry cherry chilepine monkey puzzle chinesechi (China) sumac chip sawdust # 1common Pu Pu a # 2common two compreg rubber wood compressedwood pressure compressed wood coniferousspecies conifers continuouslayerboard multilayer cork cork cottonwood cottonwood, aspen (Populus tomentosa class) crook curved wood crossrail pull files crotch Ah right cupping Alice bent birch board curvedlaminatedwood curlybirch wrinkles bent laminated timber curvedplywood curved plywood cypress conifer d ---- dado wainscoting, paneling early dado damproompanel moisture decay rot deciduousspecies leaved species d? corpanel paneling, decorative multilayer board deltawood wood wood densityofwood densifiedwood strengthen wood density dent eating head depthofcut cutting amount (depth) diffuseporouswood diffuse porous wood dimension specifications dimensionstock lumber dimpledjohar corrugated doorframe wenge doorlining door liner frame dovetail dovetail drawerfront round dowel joints drawerside drawer side panels dressedtimber net material e ---- easterncottonwood (US) Eastern poplar easternhemlock (Canada) hemlock easternlarch larch easternwhitepine (USA) white pine ebony ebony edgecutting edge elm elm elmburl elm burl veneer endcutting frusto englishplane English sycamore eucalyptus eucalyptus, Eucalyptus (class) eucalyptuspom lemon eucalyptus wood tin plate eropeanash europecherry European cherry European ash europeanbeech European birch europeanbirch European birch europeanchestnut European chestnut europeanhop-hornbeam Europe tassel elm europeanhorse-chestnut Aesculus europeanlarch European larch europeanlime Europe basswood europeanspruce European cloud European yew, fir europeanyew excelsior-board wood wool board exotics exotic wood exteriorplywood outdoor plywood veneer surface fas f ---- faceveneer primary and secondary fax1f sided a fibreboard fiberboard fiddleback violin back (plate) fiddlebutt musical instruments, timber figured Movies wood figuredsycomore Indus shadow wood particle board finewoodboard fiberboard flakeboard flakes flake flakes flame-retardantfibrebuildingboard refractory fiberboard flat-grainlumber level of cuts flat sheet flooring floor flushpanel (light) panel formedplywood molded (molded) hollow plywood plywood framecoreflushpanel fromsustainableforests from sustainable development forest furnituredimensionstock furniture lumber furnitureplywood furnitureveneer furniture plywood furniture production of sheet g ---- gap from the seam giantcedar (USA) arborvitae gloss gloss grade level gradeoflumber Ratings graded lumber grading grain texture h ---- hackberry hackberry bandselected handpicked hardboard hardboard hardmaple hard maple, maple hardycatapa (USA) catalpa heatboard core plate hickory hickory high-densityplywood compressed plywood, high-density plywood highgloss super gloss highmoistureresistant (hmr) high strength moisture resistance hipboard joinery board holedrilling drill honey-combcoreplywood honeycomb core plywood huanghauliwood yellow rosewood i ---- identificationoftimbers timber identification imitationwood imitation wood importedtimber import timber impregnatedwood (synthetic resin) impregnated wood indiancamphor India camphor indianchestnut India chestnut indiancinnamon India cinnamon indianebony Indian ebony indian & ldquo; laurel & rdquo ; India & ldquo; laurel & rdquo; insectattack Poles insertingpanel mounting plate installwoodstripflooring installation floorboards j ---- japanesebeech Japanese beech japaneselarch Japanese larch japanese (red) pine Japan pine japanesethuja hiba japanesewhitepine Japan five to the pine tongue and groove flooring jointlessflooring seamless jointflooring floor sofa karelianbirch g k ---- if Liam birch board kerfwidth kerf width paulownia knob Setsuko framework knock-downcarcass readily removable khaya African mahogany kilndriedpine kiln drying kiln dried pine kilndrying artificial wood species kirl Medicago kindoftimber