furniture aspect of the bilingual vocabulary
(a) the type of home Adjustablebed Adjustable Bed Air
(a) the type of home
Adjustablebed adjustable bed
Airbed Air Mattress
Anti-slipstripforstairs (child's bed) strike-slip stairs handrails
Antiquefurniture antique furniture
Antiquereproductionfurniture antique furniture
armchair armchair
Babycrib crib
Backlesswall-unit does not have back closet
Bamboofurniture bamboo furniture
Banquetingchair banquet chairs
barstool barstool
Bathroomaccessories bathroom accessories
Bathroomcombination bathroom cabinet
Bathroomconsoles bathroom multi-purpose aircraft
Bathroomfurniture bathroom furniture
Bathroomvanity bathroom washstand
Bedbase door slats bed frame, bed sets
Bedbaseset sets bedstead
Bedroomsuite bedroom furniture series
bedstead Bases
Bentwoodfurniture bentwood furniture
Besidetable bedside
Birchdoor birch doors
Board-roomandconferencetable conference table
bookcase bookcase
bookshelf bookshelf
Built-inkitchen matching kitchen furniture
bunkbed bunk bunk bed bunk beds
Cabinbed children multifunctional bed
Cabinfurnitureforships marine furniture
Canopybed canopied bed, four-poster bed
CD-videostoragecabinet side stereo cabinet
Chairwithcastors foot wheelchair
Changingtable changing table
Chestofdrawers multi-drawer cabinets
Childcot crib
Children'sbed children's beds
Children'sbedroomsuite child's bedroom furniture
Children'schair children's chair
CKD (completeknockdown) overall demountable furniture
Clothesrail hanging bars
Cocktailcabinet bar cabinets, wine
Cocktailtable cocktail table
Coffeetable coffee table, coffee table
Combine-unit cabinet
Compositefurniture composite furniture
Console small table
Consoletable (mounted wall) scroll
Contractfurniture leg tables, customized furniture, furniture construction
Contractprogrammes made furniture
Cornersofasuite corner handrail
cot Crib (cot)
couch divan
cupboard cabinet
Cupboardwallunitforflat suite wardrobe
curtain curtains, drapes
Customizedfurniture made furniture
Decorativelighting decorative lamps
Diningroomset restaurant furniture living room furniture
Diningtable supporting table
Divan couch, sofa bed
Dividingwallandfittedwallunit partition board and a series of self-loading
DIYfurniture furniture
Double-bed Double
Doublefunctionsofa-bed double sofa bed
Doublesidedmirror sided mirror
Draughtsmanchair barstool
drawer dresser drawer
Easychair lightweight chair
Endtable Coffee
Entrancehallfurniture foyer furniture
Exteriordoor Exterior doors
Filingcabinet file cabinet
fireplace fireplace
fitment fixed furniture
Fitting Household items
Flap turn door
Flowerstand flower
Flushdoor plane door, all doors
Foldingfurniture folding chairs folding furniture
Folkfurniture folk furniture
Foot-stool step stool
Framedmirror framed mirror
French-typefurniture mode furniture
Frenchcabinet French chairs curved legs
Frenchdoor glass door
Functionsofa multifunctional sofa
Furnitureforbedrooms bedroom furniture
Furnitureforpublicpremises public furniture
Gametable Toys tables
gate-legtable folding table
Glasscabinet glass display cabinet
Glasscase glass display cabinet
Glassunitandcontainer glass container products
Glazeddoor glass door
Hallfurniture banqueting furniture
Hatandcoatstand coat rack
headboard bedside
Heirloomqualityfurniture ancestral furniture
Highbed children's high bed (without drawer cabinets)
highchair Highchairs
Highbackexecutivechair high back office chair
Homefurniture household furniture, household furniture
Homeofficefurniture home office furniture
Hotelfurniture hotel furniture
Householdfurniture household furniture
Hutch dish rack
Institutionalfurniture custom furniture, public furniture
Juniordeskchair student desk chair
Kitchenblock / kitchenrock kitchen tiles
Kitchencabinet sideboard
Kitchenchair, stoolandbench kitchen chairs, bar stools and chairs
Kitchenfitment kitchen fixtures furniture
Kitchentable kitchen table
Kitchenunit kitchen furniture
Lamptable lamp tables
Lathgrid lath grid
Ledgeddoor straight door
Linkchair WordPad chair
Livingroomfurniture living room furniture
Locker locker
Loungefurniture living room furniture
Louvereddoor louver doors
Lowbackexecutivechair low-back chair
Lowbackguestchair low-back guest chair
Lowbackvisitorchair low-back reception chairs
Managerialmediumbackchair manager in the back seat
Marginedflushdoor flat door trim
Mattress mattresses, Simmons
Mediumbackexecutivechair in the back office chair
Metalfurniture metal furniture
Mirrordoor glass door
Mirrorforchestofdrawers multi-drawer cabinet Mirror
multi-purposesofa multi sofa
multi-purposetable multi-purpose tables
Nest Coffee
Occasionalfurniture matching furniture, leisure furniture
Occasionaltable leisure table
Officefurniture office furniture
Officeseating office chairs
Officetable desk
Partitionwall off
Pembroketable off the table surface
Planterschair gardener chairs
Plasticfurniture plastic furniture
Playfurniture entertainment furniture
Presidentialhighbackchair high back office chair
Pull-outtable telescopic tableware
Rattanfurniture rattan furniture
recliner loungers
Refectorytable long dining table
Rockingchair rocking chair
Rotarychair chair
Rusticstylefurniture rustic furniture
rectangulartable long table
red-lacqueredchest red paint wooden
roundbed round bed
roundstool Stools
roundtable roundtable
round-backedarmchair chair
Schooltable desk
screen screen
seat seat
secretaire desk (esp drawer and classification by grid)
Secretarialchair secretary chair
sectionalsofa split sofa
semi-CKD half dismantling furniture
separatewinecabinet independent kitchen
servingtable send table
settee; chaiselongue settee
shelvingcombination combination shoe rack
sidetable small table
sideboard sideboard
simmousbed Simmons
singlebed beds
slatstool plate bench
sleepersofa sleeper sofa
sofa sofa
sofabed sofa bed sofa table
softchair ottoman
springbed; steelcot steel bed; spring bed
spring-seatchair spring seat
squarestool Fangdeng
squaretable square table
steelchair armchair
steeldesk steel desk
steelsafe safe
stepstool stepladder
stool stool; an ottoman
storageforumbrellas umbrella stand
straightbackchair straight back chair
strongbox; safe safe
studiocouch single sofa bed
suitcase; trunk trunk; small suitcase
swivelarmchair canvas chairs
swivel-topstool rotating stool
(b) furniture style
a ----
agenerationofchairs improved office chair
aprovenprogram a new project has been implemented
arelaxedpostureineveryseatingposition adapt from posture, people feel comfortable
aestheticdesign aesthetic design
allowanambiencetobeharmoniouslycreated create a harmonious and warm atmosphere
appealingdesign sleek
artisancraftsmanship craftsmanship
B- ---
Barocostyle Baroque
C ----
Colonialplantationfurniture colonial plantation furniture
Contemporarydesign contemporary design
copy to copy, imitation, counterfeit
D ----
Designstudio design firm
Designtrend design trends
designer designer
Distinctgrainpattern clear wood grain pattern
E ----
economical, versatileandefficient affordable, multi-purpose, high efficiency
Emphasizethemagnificentfeaturesoftherange express a more convenient and comfortable luxurious atmosphere
essential, functionaldesign basic functional design
EthnicAfricanstyle ethnic African style
F ----
Focusontheessential focus on nature
freelance freelance
functional, ergonomic, long-lasting functional body, it is durable
functionality, qualityandappealingdesign functionality, quality and appealing
G ----
Graphicdesign image (binding) design
H ----
Highquality quality
I ----
Idealcombinationbetween two by a perfect combination
imitate imitate
InaItalianwalnutfinish Italian walnut effect
innovative innovation
Intelligentdesign rational design
Interiordecorator interior artist
Interiordesigner interior decorator
Italianstyle Italian style
L ----
lightcolor light-colored, light
M ---
Marbledeffect marble effect
Meetthestandardsofallareasofthemodernworldofwork meet the modern world of work
MingDynasty Ming
N ----
Naturalfeelingofwarmthandtexture texture warm natural
Neoclassicstyle neoclassical style
P ----
Perfectinshapeandfunction sleek, functional
Productimagedevelopment product image promotion
Productindustrialization product industrialization (design)
Q ----
QingDynasty Qing
R- ---
rectangular rectangular
Rococostyle rococo
T ----
Terra-cottagranulatedpaintfinish TOW gravel paint effect
Thestrengthofthecompany company focus
Traditionaldesign traditional design
W ----
Aceticacid acetate
Withaclassictrend with classical style
Withtheexperienceofspecialist experts designed
Withoutcompromise exhaustive
(c) paint vocabulary
A ----
Accelerate accelerator
accelerator hardener, contact agent
acetone acetone
Achromaticcolor achromatic
Acidstain acrylic resin
acrylic acrylic
Acrylicsacidresin acrylic (class) resin
AcrylonitrilebutadienestyreneresinABS resin, acrylonitrile - butadiene - styrene resin
Activeagent active agent
additive additive
Additivemixture additive color mixing
adhesive adhesive
Adhesivesolvent rubber (material) solvent
Adjacentcolor similar color
Advancingcolor into excellent
Aerosolspraying simple spray
Afterimage afterimage
Airdrying dried at room temperature
Airlessspraying airless spray
Alcoholstain alcohol colorant
Alertcolor coloration
Alligatoring alkyd paint crack
Amountofspread amount of glue
Anticorrosivepaint anticorrosive coatings
Antifoulingpaint antifouling paint
Antiquefinish antique paint
Automaticspraying automatic spraying
B ----
Baseboat spray paint primer
Blistering vesicles
Blushing albino
Bodyvarnish polisher
Brilliant bright
brushing brush
Brushingmark / streak brush marks
Bubbling bubbles
Buttonlac refined shellac
C ----
Caf □ brown
Carbamideresinadhesive urea resin glue
catalyst catalyst, the catalyst, contact agent
chalking chalking
cherry cherry
Chipping peeling
Chromaticcolor a color
chromaticity color
Chromaticitycoordinates chromaticity coordinates
Chromaticitydiagram chroma circle
Clssing up painting
Clearcoating clearcoat
Clearlacquer transparent clearcoat paint
Coarseparticle coarse
coating paint
Cobwebbing rift
Cocos cocoa
Coldwaterpaint aqueous coating
colorblindness colorblind
Colorconditioning color adjustment
Colorharmony color harmony
Colorinoil Genre special (toning)
Colormatching toner
Colornumber color (the number or color code)
Colorpaint colored paint
Colorreaction color reaction
Colorreproduction color reproducibility
Colortolerance color Tolerance
compatibility compatibility
Complimentarycolor complementary color
Consistency thick thickness
Contractivecolor shrink color
Colcolor cold color, cool
Coolingagent coolant
Coveringpower covering power
cracking crack, crack
Cresolresinadhesive cresol resin adhesive
Crimping wrinkles
Cure hardening
Curingagent hardener
Curingtemperature curing temperature
D ----
dark dark
deep deep
degumming degumming
Dewaxedshellac gum shellac wax
diluent diluents, thinners
Dilutionratio dilution
Dingy cloud color
dipping dip coating
Dippingtreatment discoloration
Discoloring discoloration
Discord incongruous color
Drier desiccant
Dryrubbing dry grinding
Dryingtime drying time
dulling loss of light
dusting powder
E ----
Egg-shell Habu Kong Yaguang, significantly Kong Yaguang
electrostaticspraying electrostatic painting
emulsionadhesive emulsifying gum
emulsionpaint emulsion paint
enamel paint, enamel
end-coating the end face coating
end-gluing the end face
epoxyfinish epoxy glue effect
epoxyresinglue epoxy
ethylcelluloselacquer ethyl cellulose paint
F ----
fading fade
filler putty, Zhi materials, fillers
Finishcode number
Finshing paint finish
flaking flaking
Flatpaint extinction coating
Flatness extinction
Floorpaint floor coatings
Foamglue bubble gum
G ----
gelatin gelatin, gel
glare glare
glue adhesive, glue, rubber glue and
Glueandfillerbond filler bond
Gluemixer transfer melter
Gluespreader coater
gum gum, gum
H ----
hardener hardener
Hide hide glue
Highsolidlacquer high-solid honey-colored paint
I ----
Illuminantcolor light color
J ----
Jellystrength glial strength
Jointstrength bonding strength
L ----
Lacvarnish shellac varnish
lacquer paint
latex latex
Latexpaint synthetic resin emulsion based coatings
Levelingagent leveling agent
Light shining
Liquidglue liquid glue
Longoilvarnish long varnish
Loveformaldehyde low formaldehyde
M ----
Makeuppaint mixed paint
Mediumoilvarnish medium oil varnish
Melamineresinadhesive trimer chloramine gum resin, melamine resin glue
Melamineresinsheet trimer chloramine resin (sheet)
Methylalcohol formaldehyde
Multi-color and colorful paint
N-- -
N.Clacquer nitrocellulose varnish painting
N.Clacquerenamel nitrate paint color cotton
N.Clacquersealer nitrocellulose primer
N.Clacquersurfacer tip of cotton in the coating the entire surface coating
nitro- celluloselacquer nitrocellulose lacquer, nitro beech
Nitrocelluloselacquer nitrocellulose lacquer (spray) paint
Nontoxixfinishes non-toxic paint
novolac (linear) novolak
O ----
Off -color discoloration, fading, non-standard color
Oilpaint oil paint
Oilputty oily putty
Oilsolvent oil solvent
Oilstain oily colorant
Oilstaining oil coloring
oilstone Whetstone
Oilvarnish oil varnish, varnish