+86 755-29577311 bisheng@ekonglong.com
YiKongLong Furniture (HK) Co., Limited
What method of analysis shop district is the most effective
Special analysis of the convenience store industry district refers to the district structure, characteristics and impact of changes in district size of the various factors comprehensive study. n district Factors that should be considered ¨ population and Features Including the number of resident population, the number of the working population, the number of people in the past, the number of resident households and enterprises, and the corresponding population age, sex, occupation and income level constitutes the like. ¨ Construction Condition Including public transport, power supply situation, communications equipment, and other financial institutions for the convenience department store marketing. social factors Analysis of regional construction planning, public facilities (parks, public sports venues, theaters, exhibition halls), and the humanities in the region, to ascertain whether there is conducive to the development of the department store. ¨ commercial development potential Including the purchase of existing and potential business conditions mall. These two factors are the most direct impact of factors on the department store. When the analysis of the potential for commercial development, should be calculated saturation district of the region, in order to understand the industry in this area is excessive or inadequate. To build stores in areas with low saturation district, its likelihood of success must exceed district saturation region. Type of business district Commercial district Commercial activity concentrated area, which features a large district, mobile population, a variety of shops, bustling. Their consumption habits fast, popular, entertainment, impulsive consumption characteristics, and the amount of consumption is relatively high. Residential In more than a million inhabitants, consumption habits of consumers stable, stress convenience, intimacy, higher household goods purchase rate. Culture and education area Usually it is close to cultural and educational area schools, the district consumer group were students, the amount of consumption is generally not high, consumption habits are relatively casual. Workspace Refers to the office buildings of the area, there will be more appropriate near a large parking lot. Consumption characteristics of workers is the most important time of stable, concentrated. Complex Comprehensive divided into residential and commercial mix, mixing live teaching, business mix and the like. Mixing zone with a single commodity consumption characteristic ring shape, often contain a variety of district within the district belong to the type diversified consumer habits.
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