What Lu Lu weight loss secret ?
hits:1008Have a good body does not so difficult to imagine, Lu Lu is the secret of success, "according to their actual situation given an exercise program," which has the same purpose with the big S exercise to lose weight. In fact, those movie stars, supermodels are not born with a good figure, and some rely on crazy diets, and some rely on diet pills, some by the crazy sport, specify a suitable exercise program, perhaps most users have reference.
Home exercise program
1. If you are a white-collar workers, usually morning to evening, you can do some movement in bed at bedtime, such as:
Crunches pass was: transfer practice pillow, a person holding a pillow, crunches, lift the upper body, the pillow companion pass to kneel, lie down, and then crunches, took the pillow from the hands of fellow Repeat 8 to 12 times , exchange of.
Note: Do not leave the mat under the waist, abdominal muscles should be shortened, tight feeling. Action to keep even breathing, do not hold your breath.
2. Home exercise program. Stick small pieces of clothing washed by hand, wiping the floor once a day, once a week at least wipe the glass, stick to the supermarket or a weekend jolly cook to cook.
Way to work exercise program
3. Most healthy and most environmentally friendly way to work most weight loss is walking at first sound incredible, but evolved into crawling gorilla walking people, not all came to be incorrect. Early morning walk can not only make your lungs full of fresh air, can also help to prepare for the day's work.
4. Ride a bike to work. There are statistics show that cycling postman longer than the average life of old, the sport of cycling, not only can lose weight, but also make your figure more shapely and charming. If convenient, a week, riding a bike to work four times.
5. Bus or drive to work, if time permits, get off one stop earlier or park your car in a distant parking lot, walk to the company, these seemingly insignificant movements, long-term adherence can achieve health and good shape.
6. Stairs three times a week, may be the stairs at home, it may be the company's stairs. Most people stuck in fast elevator, stairs very smooth.
Office exercise program
7. These actions are in your office chair can be completed. Own time will not sweat and will not provoke too much attention. For example: sitting crunches
Forefront of sitting in a chair, his arms across your chest, hands on shoulders, keeping the back straight, not including chest, the body slowly forward, feeling abdominal muscles tighten, to the lowest point for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
Club Exercise Plan
To the fitness club it is the best thing, and aerobic and strength exercises to lose weight are essential.
8. For the average person, strength training is essential. The aging process, decreasing muscle metabolism also decreased, increased fat accumulation. It not only will not let the legs or arms thicker, but also because of reduced fat, leaving the body becomes more slender. For example: supine abdominal volume
Sit on the mat, legs bent, hands behind her. Do not leave the mat under the waist, chest up to the highest point to move forward, then slowly lower to the starting posture.
9. Aerobic exercise. Generally speaking, as long as adhere to exercise more than 20 minutes of aerobic exercise it can be called, in the fitness club, everywhere you can do aerobic exercises, such as swimming, aerobic power cycling, mountain climbing machines, treadmills and so on. Aerobic exercise is also an important means of energy consumption and excess body fat.
10. After doing warm-up stretching. After the warm-up should do stretching exercises, of course, do it again after each stretching exercise also helps recovery. A regular stretching program without spending much time, every 3 - 5 minutes on it. But it can significantly improve your posture and reduce your pain. For example: stretching back of the thigh and buttocks
Sit on the mat, bend the left leg, right leg straight, knee and ankle companion hand. Course of action, the right leg to the trunk peer under pressure (Repeat for the other side).