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What is the impact of human life a few magic numbers are ?

calculated from the change to a cup of coffee in the planning retirement fund, digital affects almost every aspect of one's life. However, the figures often in unexpected ways have a more profound impact on our world. A mathematical constant determines our aesthetic and our friends number. Mathematics has been integrated into our genes, listed here are just a few clever method to change our lives.

1. Dunbar number
certain communities for a long time basically unchanged, while other communities, even modern neighborhoods will become confused and on the verge of collapse. We work with a number of friends and colleagues to keep in touch, completely ignoring the rest of the people, which is obviously no reason. After the company to employ a certain number of employees, management seems to have a problem. These things may seem unrelated, but they are all related, and a number.
researchers claim that human society is built around the 150 number. In primates, the scientists believe that if a large monkey cerebral cortex, their social group will be larger. After 38 monkeys computing research group, Professor Dunbar is estimated that the human capacity to deal with social relations extreme about 150. This means that we can handle about 150 social relations. In any case, when we have to deal with the relationship with more than 150 people, we tend to be less and less effective. For example, if you have plans to open a 150-person party, you can easily remember everyone's name, and they like or do not like to sit next to whom. If you want 300 or 500 people for parties, you are likely to forget a lot of names, and they figure out the seating position.
There are other examples, that any society to achieve more than 150 members, people caring for each other will disappear. For example, when more than 150 residents of the town, the crime becomes a serious problem. Throughout human history, the armed forces are almost always prepared in accordance with 150 soldiers, which seems to be more easily controlled. Any company, if an employee of the office no more than 150 people, it has a large office than a company more productive.

2. golden ratio
this figure is the most widely used of the universe. Humans only in fashion, furniture, art, music, and even use it in economics, this number even in the human body, nature, even in respect of the formation of the Milky Way.
golden ratio discovered by the Greeks the most, it exists in all of nature, it was found that its presence is so beautiful. There are many books to explain the role of the golden ratio and beauty is a process very precise scientific reasons. Our faces and a healthy body are in line with the golden ratio.
This figure comes from a spiral, is 1.618 times the length of the relationship between each helical exactly. This is a constant, for some reason, become a universal law, which guided all the way from our bone structure to grow vines.

3. The secret of success
According to recent studies, people are not really born. Malcolm Gladwell think, very successful man is made out by practice, including Bill Gates and the Beatles. Interestingly, we can know that any one person one thing and put the number of hours to master it. Scientists said that after 10,000 hours, anyone can become an expert in any field.
international reputation of the Beatles, the German club spent several years or more time, 12 hours a day playing. The band's manager and the Beatles themselves admit that this intensive training so that they have the ability to form their own style. If you did not practice 10,000 hours, the Beatles may never succeed. Bill Gates at the same handful of people can come into contact with private computer lab over many years. It is a fortunate coincidence, but it made him much earlier than their peers who have accumulated approximately 10,000 hours of computer experience.
same story occurs in the body of Steve Jobs, he also had the opportunity to start using the computer in high school. The conclusion is simple, if you want to succeed, it must take 10,000 hours to do it.

famous psychologist George Miller used a lot of paper we show that our short-term or working memory it begins to forget or ignore the new information only 7 before the old knowledge objects can retain. In other words, if someone had told you 10 names, and you write that down, you can only remember seven.
more interesting it is that studies have shown that the number of long-term memory is also affected by the impact of this number 7. When new information is repeated seven times, we tend to remember longer. Marketers even believe that prices ending in 7 will sell better. For some reason, it seems more than $ 1.99 to $ 2.97 more attractive.

zero real significance lies in the concept it represents. The concept of zero due to the use of this figure background may be. This system is known as a digital positioning system, it requires a more complex system than Rome digital operation. Not only can we discuss a number does not exist, it can be extended to infinity.
famous mathematician George Halstead statement which shows not only the mathematical zero importance to modern civilization is also very important. He said: "The importance of zero will never create a mathematical no overstatement can generate more wisdom and strength

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