What fatal but easily overlooked security risks in everyday life ?
Security risks, is, in daily life or work, due to the human factor, as well as changes in the environmental impact thereof, so as to a variety of problems, defects, faults, and other signs of insecurity generated. Some of which may affect the safety of human life, because of the commonplace and easily overlooked. 1. The screen door and the gap between the subway car doors can kill. door is about to close would rather wait, do not rush rushing the door, if unfortunately just closed when sandwiched between the screen door and the car door gap, we must vigorously beat the door windows allow the passenger compartment to help you Pull down the emergency parking brake. If the conductor did not notice it was embedded in the inside, once the train starts, you will be traveling up the body crushed body Gusui. The accidents have occurred in Beijing and Shanghai subway too. Only waiting for the subway station opened after a complete no systemic bone you have a chance to fall on the track.
2. continued underground. Do not stand over the yellow line waiting when it is common sense, but you also need people around them to remain vigilant. House of cards in the second quarter we have seen. I want to say is that even if you do not want to harm your enemy, but also not anti somehow come out of a mental patient at the time of the subway stop suddenly push you down the metro (subway US occurred). Personally, I usually stand even if they are down does not mean falling into a safe distance from the outer track. PS: According to Friends of Scouting supplement, the best standing in front of the location of the platform when waiting in the subway, not the position of the rear of the platform. When the train entered the station quickly, if the fall into the track in the rear position, the conductor had no time to brake, and if the fall into position at the front, because the train has slowed, the conductor have more reaction time to brake.
3. away from the gas tank / gas tank. Try not to sit on the edge of such things (although very common) in the open street food stalls. In 2011 the southern suburbs of Xi'an snack bar explosion. Hamburger a small store, in front of the bus station was completely destroyed, the explosion would blast set off a car more than 10 meters. 10 people died. Such die is too vague, and in case the conditions permit, do not go to this tank nudity, no security-conscious small restaurant dining. Xiamen snack bar explosion last year, too, gas tank fire explosion. Four people died.
4. away earthmoving vehicles / cement tanker. Transportation costs because of the pressure, many operators can only multi-carrier gallop; some of the construction unit will be used without a license, no vehicle and driver qualification in order to reduce logistics costs. The driver of a vehicle driving style is quite brutal. 2010 or 2011, I remember Shanghai such accidents, cement mixers and earth-moving vehicles in just nine days ran over and killed eight people, triggering the wrath of the public, a direct result of all of Shanghai more than 4100 vehicles were asked to earthmoving mandatory installation of turning video probe. In short, whether you're driving or walking in cycling, to avoid some of these heavy vehicles not far wrong. pedestrians and non-motor vehicles should pay attention to the dead: the prompts Pudong traffic police: large car because the body is too high, turn right itself there blind spot, on the right side of the vehicle to stick too close to pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles can not see; turn right, front and rear wheels tracks do not overlap, the longer the body, the direction of playing more, "the inner wheel difference" bigger, even under the premise of the front wheel has been properly adopted, may still be on the right rear wheel in the same direction with the non-motor vehicles, pedestrians, rolling into the rear of the body, resulting in dire consequences, commonly known as "dumplings" accident. Pedestrian and bicycle at the red light from the mixer, earthwork car two meters away, relatively safe. But if they are long card sets, 2 meters distance is not enough, but after a little rely on.
5. Even sitting in the back of the car, but also wearing a seat belt. When braking or a crash, the car owner quickly forward, the rear passengers if not wearing a seat belt, caught off guard will directly hit the front seat. Even before the break straight out of a car windshield. worse it is that now in many parts of the taxi at the rear of the front seats mounted LCD screen for playing the ad. Hard edge these displays sharp, Jicha or crash once, not wearing seat belts in the back, then smashed a direct face-piece display. 2009 Shanghai have reported deaths caused because when this thing in a car accident, because there are girls hit by debris advertising screen 20 cm long gash wound had to undergo several facial cosmetic surgery. Particularly bad is that in the event of impact the screen corners of the edge can just position of the eye, multiplied harm.
saying I'm a cavity angry about this display, force people to watch ads, but also prone to motion sickness. Focus Media scourge over the elevator Ersan Liu national office, in order to drain so little attention to the eye, many taxi passenger safety at risk like situation, really downright garbage business.
6. falling objects. 5.45 mm small-caliber rifle bullet energy delivered to the target of about 228 joules of energy a flower pot fell from the 10th floor can easily break releasing 300 joules. When walking in some of the older-old area, to avoid walking in the foot of the wall as far as possible, because the air conditioner outdoor unit, outside the bay window, network security and other facilities probably already aging (theoretically more than 10 years would overhaul reinforcement, there are a few do?). If you encounter a typhoon weather, but to stay at home as much as possible. Now because such casualties caused by falling objects is very common.
7. escalator stampede. If the density is too large visual escalator (congestion can not be moved to), try to take the edge of the stairs. If someone fall out of the escalator, or can not be normal, it will cause a chain of stampede, very scary.
8. summer to go to the swimming pool is also a dangerous place. Try to stay away from pool drain, or to the entire weight of the water of the swimming pool, with your own strength can never disengage after being attracted. Not long ago, the Four Seasons Hotel Macau, a jacuzzi such a thing happened, drowned a Shenzhen businessman. Saying this is the finest hotel ah! And jacuzzi water is so small, a few people pull together to no avail, if occurred in the large swimming pool, do you think your chances of survival have?
9. look office chairs, look at your ass next chair, is not this style? is then immediately replaced.
Such pneumatic lift chair prone to burst, there have been many accidents occur when adjusting the lift of the air pressure at the ram suddenly exploded out of control, fingers thick mandrel instantly pop up, unfortunately they just correspond to the position of chrysanthemum , the jack along the top of the hip into the body. So a consumer Shandong bled to death. This is mainly quality problems, over-expansion when the gas force, and the cylinder wall or the upper and lower end cap is not strong enough, can not withstand the force exerted by the gas will break them exploded, causing steel pop up directly. Remember that a sub-price goods, to only buy a thousand dollars, it is the lesson of blood. When
10. Under heavy rain, if the road was flooded, as the driver, try not to go this culvert tips now we all know. As a pedestrian, you should always pay attention to the water alert occurrences such conditions:
such a vortex, indicating that there is no manhole cover, 2013 Changsha rain, wading across the street a girl, friends send the micro-channel to fall into the sewer, and finally the bones were found, according to the analysis directly into the Xiangjiang River.
this world is dangerous everywhere, no exaggeration. It also reminds us that, if the other hair with hair with micro-channel is not back, chances have been an accident, do not be disregarded.