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What are the major cities in the Netherlands ?

Holland's most famous cities

1, The Hague

Hague (The Hague) in the Netherlands on the west coast, three kilometers from the North Sea, population 458,000, is the third largest city in the Netherlands, the Dutch seat of government, parliament and foreign missions are also located here.

"Hague" means "Count of forest." 1248, Count William II of the Netherlands in the construction of the castle. Fourth, in the fifteenth century, the town surrounding the castle formed gradually evolving. The sixteenth century, the people of The Hague, the Netherlands became the center of the movement against Spanish rule. In 1559, The Hague, the capital of the revolt leader William. In 1580, the Dutch parliament for the first time held in The Hague, Netherlands The Hague has since evolved into a political center. In the Duke of Burgundy and Habsburg dynasty, due to the political center south and gradually decline. Due to historical reasons and considering the balance of forces in the north and south, in the Netherlands after the overthrow of Napoleon's reign, he decided to Amsterdam as the capital, The Hague, the Dutch seat of government.

currently in The Hague, light industry, the main industries include papermaking, printing, publishing, clothing, furniture, electronics, pharmaceuticals, food processing, there are many large banks and large companies headquartered in The Hague.

Hague is famous Dutch cultural center, International Law, the Royal Institute of plastic arts and other academic institutions; also a tourist attraction, near the famous Scheveningen beach. Peace Palace in the city offices of the International Court of Justice. Dutch Queen's office is located in the city center, and a palace in the suburbs.

2, Amsterdam

Amsterdam (Amsterdam), capital of the Netherlands, the largest city in the Netherlands, the second largest port. Population 736,000. A city located in the northwest of the Netherlands, on the verge of Ai Seer Lake, west by the North Sea and the North Sea canal phase. A city has been 700 years of history. Amstel estuary was originally located in a small fishing village. According to legend, around 1270, where people erected a dam, "Amsterdam" that this name, which means "Amstel River dam." Of the seventeenth century, with the growing strength of the Dutch economy, the development of the Arab-Israeli city became Europe's largest port, one of the most prosperous commercial and financial center. A City of diamond processing and manufacturing woolen famous throughout the world, also was the famous East India Company, the West India Company located.

A city urban canals criss-cross. 150 km total length 102 A canal divides the city into a plurality of islands 90, 1286 by the traditional and modern arch bridge connected to open and close, with 16 sluice adjust the water level, known as the "Venice of the North," he said. On the canal, more than 3000 "houseboat" embellished Alhambra became a King.

now Alhambra Netherlands remains the most important industrial, commercial and financial center. Here both the shipbuilding industry, food processing industry of traditional industry, garment industry, printing industry and so on, but also the chemical industry, electronic industry and other modern sectors of the economy, there are a number of important national research institutions. A city is an important cultural and artistic center of the Netherlands. There are world-famous collection of paintings masters Rembrandt and others masterpieces of the National Museum, as well as the modern world famous painter Vincent Van Gogh painting museum, the Netherlands and has the largest library of art history, Asian art gallery displaying the history and the Netherlands Archive. The city's various museums, galleries, more than 40. 1928 World Olympic Games were held here.

A Junction City with Beijing have sister city relationship.

3, Rotterdam

Rotterdam (Rotterdam) in the Netherlands in the southwest of the Rhine estuary Nieuwe Maas River, 28 km from the North Sea. The city is now the Netherlands second largest city, population 600,000. The two parts are connected by four urban river tunnel. Rotterdam was originally a small fishing village, gradually developed into the harbor by the Germans during World War II bombing almost to the ground, remaining city hall, post office and trade center bottom three buildings. Post-war reconstruction, a blend of quite a number of modern buildings, such as deer City Library, subway stations and a number of ingenious construction, such as the "pencil building", "Cube House" and so on. Centrally located across the Maas River, "Erasmus" bridge built in 1996, 802 meters long, 139 meters high, is one of the landmark buildings in Rotterdam. Port of Rotterdam in 1961 became the world's largest port, then ranked number one for 42 years. Deer Harbor membership benefits, from the development of advanced oil refining, chemical, shipbuilding and other industries, with advanced experience in port construction and management. Netherlands some large companies, such as Unilever, Shell, etc., are provided in this headquarters and branches. The city held annually boat festival and the marathon, which attracted many tourists. To meet the 1960 Rotterdam International Flower Exhibition built tower "Euromast", up to 185 meters, overlooking the city tower.

Rotterdam and Shanghai to establish sister city relationship in November 1979.

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