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What are the eligibility criteria University of Western Australia were ?
University of Western Australia capital of Perth in Western Australia (Perth). School was established in 1911, is Australia's Group of Eight (Group of Eight) one, it is one of Australia's most excellent five-star university.
tuition :( depending on the specialty may be)
Undergraduate: AUD $ 23000-26000 / Year
Graduate: AUD $ 27000-32060 / Year
undergraduate application requirements
Start dates: Every year in February, July
apply as of the date: December each year 31
IELTS score requirements: 5.5
IELTS single subject requirement: 5
high school GPA: 85.0
Graduate application conditions
Start dates: Every year in February, July
apply as of the date: October 1 each year, April 1
IELTS score requirements: 6
IELTS single subject requirement: 5.5
University GPA: 80.0
has six affiliated university student apartments, easily accessible from the campus on foot just a few minutes. The school offers students a private room with furniture and three meals a day. More important it is to provide a good learning environment, where instructors and high school students can provide information on subjects and learning skills to help. Weekly price of 325 Australian dollars. Apartment office
University also offers students in the surrounding school districts for rental availability and shared accommodation. However, the apartment office is not responsible for assessing the bids for those residence or consultation with the owner and agents. Students also by the local newspaper (The West Australian and the Sunday Times), advertising and real estate agents around the campus bulletin board to find shelter.
Other costs:
music disciplines fee: from A $ 1,700
stationery books: A $ 300- $ 500
living expenses (expected): A $ 12,500
Australian student visa fee: A $ 540
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC): A $ 324
Lodging family fee: single - A $ 220-250 / week (including two meals per day)
rental fees: every A $ 100 - A $ 200, the cost of living another operator (catering costs, utilities, travel expenses, entertainment expenses, etc.)
original source: http: //wWw.LiuXue86.Com/a/1961371.html
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