Traditional wood chair and now HM represented by ergonomic chair comparable it ?
I am a layman, but the tables and chairs have certain requirements. If required for the table, then a bit hypocritical, but for patients with a lumbar chair some of the more important.
feel I have designed the table did not have to say, but chair it, I doubt even the best wood chair is not also keep up with HM and other ergonomic chair? Unknown quality, comfort and other aspects of my personal feeling than not, and in many ways can be adjusted. If I say this established, with chairs and table would be a problem. The existence of this contradiction? "Traditional wood chair" is not to conform to the human body for the purpose of the design, even if the S-shaped backrest no. The upper part of many classic chair S-shaped backrest is forward top, and the width of the backrest also happens to knock on the inner edge of the shoulder blade, not very comfortable to sit. figure is four experts antique furniture and forestry, to see how they sit.
ancient furniture design idea is "consistent with the image of the user should" rather than "allow users to use comfortably."