+86 755-29577311 bisheng@ekonglong.com
YiKongLong Furniture (HK) Co., Limited
Study decoration balcony turned cozy den

study decoration balcony turned cozy den

custom straight for the wall or corner-shaped overall desk, windowsill can also use some of the space, customize and integrally connected to the desk or bookcase storing books, toys, lockers various manual jobs, full custom furniture space, three-dimensional features.

symmetry desk, back to back learning

set Ruanta under windows surrounded wound in the middle of the window, for reading purposes, the window on both sides of customized large desk surface and Ruanta connected storing school supplies storage wall cabinets are designed at the top. Desks back to back style design, ideal for two people at the same time learning needs.

into the wall design, the perfect work

amount of tailor highly consistent with sill desk, table, in addition to computers, files, you can also put some of the pot. Close the windows in the corner, build bookcases and shelves for display data, a clean and spacious studio was born.

corner space efficient study

desk interior design a lot of storage space, combined with the top of the wall cabinets and shelves, full and effective use of every inch of space, thereby forming a compact and efficient small study. You may care about

page: bookcase top ten brands, top ten brands of office furniture, bookcases knowledge large lecture hall, office furniture knowledge Lecture
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