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YiKongLong Furniture (HK) Co., Limited
Straight screen working bit picture

To say that this is the work of the straight screen, we are not strange, is that we generally say the screendesk. In the limited office space, want to have their own independent help public space of words, which direct screen desk work is choice for enterprises. Today, small make up for you to bring a few groups of screen work bit picture, want to have a look at the work of these several straight sets of screens and a look at the basic information of the work position of the straight screen. We'll This matter should not be delayed. to look at it several straight table screen work.


Vertical screen working position4A combination

            most of the office in a businessfurnitureThat is our staff to use the direct table screen work, the reason is very simple, because people are more. Now we have seen this type of direct platform screen is a 4A combination of the staff table. We can see this desk in the shape of the desk in this direct platform.DesignOn verySimpleBeautiful, and this is the function of the straight screen work bit design is also very reasonable. Screen design is very good will be divided into each work area, to ensure the independence of the work space, very good.


Vertical screen working positionHead table

            the next small series for everyone to bring the work of this piece of screen screen is shown in the picture is a director of the direct table. This is a separate desk, in the shape of the design is very simple. This kind of straight screen working position plank chooses is very high quality.melamine board, which has the characteristics of anti fouling and wear resistance. We can also see in this piece of work on the screen screen, this is a direct platform for the work of the cabinet cabinet storage space division is very reasonable. When we use the document information and other classified storage, very practical.


Vertical screen working positionFashion desk

            different industries will have their own unique style, in the choice of the office will be the time when the furniture will be different. The next small series to introduce the work of this direct platform screen is a suitablemodernPersonalized enterprise. In this piece of screen work on the map we can find this kind of direct use of the work position of the screen is very smart and lively, for our office environment to bring a touch of beautiful colors. This is the use of the direct platform screen qualityenvironmental protectionMelamine board, with the characteristics of fire resistance, very strong and durable is a good choice.


Vertical screen working position2 person group

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; just read that section of the fashionable colors fresh straight screen desk work, is not some people will feel in the preceding paragraph straight screen desk work position in the overall design is a bit complicated. It does not matter, if you like the style of the work of a straight screen, but also feel that in the overall design is too complex, then it might as well look at the work place of this straight screen. As you see this straight screen working with a comparison of the above, then, in the design of the function of the design is more simple. Less on the desktopLockersThe office area of our desktop has been maximized.


Vertical screen working positionSimple and practical table

            finally, the work of this type of direct platform screen is a very simple and practical work of a double staff table. First of all, we have to look at the work of this piece of screen, we can see this screen is very simple. But the functional design is very good, and this direct screen desk work of screen design the regional office of the clerk of the good are divided, both their own independent office area, and does not occupy place. Is a straight screen working position is very good choice.

            article source: office furniture

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