+86 755-29577311 bisheng@ekonglong.com
YiKongLong Furniture (HK) Co., Limited
Proper use of office furniture stands for more benefits!
The latest research by the American Medical Association found that sitting at work is not good for health. The Institute cited a large number of evidence to prove that the time to sit is not conducive to human health, encourage enterprises and other institutions to implement other choices, such as standing work. Standing in the way of work, the correct use of office furniture, stand the work of many benefits.

American Medical will board member Patris Harris in a public statement said: "to extend the sitting time can cause health problems, encourage workplace to employees provide sitting outside the other options will be beneficial to the health of workers."

Physicians and medical experts have been calling on Americans to stand up for work since at least 1999. In 1999, Seth Roberts, a retired psychologist at the University of California at Berkeley, began to stand up for the day. He found that during the day he stood to help improve his sleep at night, and he placed a treadmill at his desk.

A few years later, the Mayo Clinic endocrinologist James Levine, will stand philosophy as a way to lose weight to spread. Levin has in his research report wrote that thin people daily consumption of calories a day than people who are overweight consumption of calories more than 350, because they consume more energy to move around and retrieve documents.

Levin said: "the chair wants to kill us." Levin's findings show that people who work in offices may consume 300 calories per week, while those who are physically
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