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YiKongLong Furniture (HK) Co., Limited
Office furniture rental prices

In the major cities in the country is not the same degree of development, the lease officefurnitureThere will be a certain price discrepancy, of course, lease office furniture or to see the level of office furniture, the following is simple to say that eachRental of office furnituresituation。

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         Office furniture rental price overview
         1 office furniture lease price is first and the office furniture products that you rent is concerned, of course, the more good office furniture rental price is higher.
         2 office furniture rental price and the brand has a certain relationship, if it is a brand office furniture, lease price is higher.
         . of course area between office furniture rental difference is inevitable, general office furniture more places, rental prices relatively low, of course, consumption of high places, office furniture rental prices will improve.

         Office furniture rental prices

         west: the lease of the office furniture usually has the office furniture of the home office and the office furniture of the enterprise, a lot of the office furniture recycling enterprises have the leasing business. The western region is a relatively poor area, so the general rental office furniture prices are the cheapest. A year in accordance with the general calculation of about twenty or thirty, but still have to calculate the depreciation charge.

         landlocked: inland area mainly refers to the central region of our country, the development of furniture industry in the middle area of China is the most good, general office furniture rental annual, about about 30 to 40 percent, depreciation of course is accounting calculation, if it is according to the day count, depending on the specific circumstances.

         coastalCoastal area is a relatively good development in China,Guangzhou,ShenzhenAnd other places in the development of the furniture industry is very, the original price of general office furniture may be higher, so the price of the lease will be correspondingly increased, but the total is not more than forty percent.

         Township: some small places will have furniture rental situation, because of their small town furniture prices are not very high, so the overall price is not very high, but on the percentage, the proportion is still very high.

         Note: the above information is for reference only.


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