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YiKongLong Furniture (HK) Co., Limited
Office furniture procurement type

Actually office furniture procurement purposes can be divided into many types, then according to the actual purchase content, can be divided into a brand new complete set procurement, iterative update purchasing, supplementary procurement, second-hand office furniture purchasing, etc.So you can according to your actual belongs to purchase type and stage to get to know when purchasing matters needing attention.

New a full set of furniture purchasing

In general, a full set of new office furnitureIn the new company, office relocation, the company office mainly large-scale extension.The new company at the time of purchasing office furniture, is generally less experience, so it is best to send one more experienced people to purchase office furniture.If it is the company's office for large-scale relocation and want to have a complete set of office furniture to innovate purchase, so to the requirement of the buyer is actually higher, first of all, not only to collect the company members to office furniture use condition before, such as quality, efficiency, mood, style, choose according to their degree of satisfaction to decide whether the original office furniture manufacturing company make to order againPurchase.And if it is the office to expand the scale of the company, then the actual situation and move about, basic is to choose purchase complete sets of office furniture is given priority to.

Iterative update furniture purchasing

Above has said, because of office furniture for office use time is very long, so the style of the furniture modelling design may have more out of date, this time you need for existing furniture iterative update, such not only can give the firm a good corporate image, to members of the officeA new environment and good mental health, to improve the work efficiency is also very good.So in the procurement of office furniture iterations is more, we must pay more attention to the existing office furniture usage integrated opinions, and then decide whether companies choose the furniture company in production.

Supplementary office furniture procurement,

Due to a single or a few office furniture defective or damaged and can't be used normally, this time must be for damage to supplement the purchase office furniture.According to the MegExperience of office furniture (www.szmerger.com), the supplementary office furniture procurement is generally based on office chair is given priority to, so the supplementary office furniture procurement is not Meg furniture wanted to pursue.

Second-hand office furniture procurement,

At present, the second-hand office furniture because cheap, is a lot of small entrepreneurs like, would not affect the actual use, and can save the company a lot of the cost of production.For now, however, second-hand office furniture market is not verySpecification, Meg is not engaged in second-hand office furniture office furniture recycling and sales.

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