+86 755-29577311 bisheng@ekonglong.com
YiKongLong Furniture (HK) Co., Limited
Office furniture, Dali stone maintenance and repair knowledge
Office furnitureSurface marble maintenance should pay attention to what problem?     Two, to confirm the soft hardness of water quality   Try to use in the maintenance process of daily water. Because the hard water will leave the sediment on the stone furniture and the stone surface, these deposits will make the surface color dark and will react with the stone surface chemical reaction. Because the removal of these sediments requires the use of chemical products. While cleaning out the stains, the chemicals also damage the office furniture itself.   Three, polished marble surface   After a period of use, if the local color of the marble surface becomes dark, and even serious damage, the surface gloss disappear. It can use the polishing liquid mixture (polishing powder and polishing liquid) to carry out their own cleaning and polishing (DIY). Or choose a professional marble conservation company to help conserve polishing. Preferably in the use of a period of time to be carried out, in general, once a year, do not wait until the destruction of the stone was a serious polishing maintenance.     Four, the use of permeable stone protective agent to protect the stone   In order to reduce the water absorption of stone, and reduce the degree of adhesion between the sediment and stone, the use of permeable stone protective agent is the best way. Prior to the installation of stone is a good idea to two door: one is the first of the stone inside the door, namely the use of infiltration of silicon resin solvent for protection, maximize reduce water absorption rate; the second is to undertake to stone material surface protection, that is, to use with waterproof performance oil containing fluorine polymers to reduce the damage of mineral deposits and soap and water acidic or alkaline stains on the stone. for exampleFile cabinetSit on the marble surface, often have to pay attention to the maintenance of clean to limit the use of furniture itself.

General in daily life, should be careful not to use shampoo articles containing dyes, do not use soap and shampoo artificial pigment containing, and without the use of acidic or alkaline cleaning products should be neutral cleaning agent to clean surface, try to make office furniture surface drying, with pollutants fell on the surface of the table to immediately wipe clean.
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