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YiKongLong Furniture (HK) Co., Limited
Office furniture company how to develop secondary third-tier markets

According to the national bureau of statistics show that up to now, the number of the city has a population of more than 1 million cities in our country has more than 119.Mega-cities of more than 2 million people are only 50 or so, two lines and three lines of small and medium-sized cities in the future is necessarily important consumer market of office furniture.What are some of the characteristics of small and medium-sized cities and these, office furniture company, how should according to the characteristics of secondary and third line cities to develop the office furniture market?

< span style = "col.Or: RGB (128, 0, 0)."> 1, 2 line three line city  Office furniture, consumersPurchasing power continues to increase,

  < img SRC = "/ _upload/news / 201/ db52e1f3 - f17b 2-06-13-473 - a - b773-7 b2b3002d1e8. JPG "Alt =" per capita monthly income according to office furniture in second - and third-tier cities are more likely to be purchased "border =" 0 "width =" 500 "height =" 356 "/ >

As shown, from 2007 to 2007, the per capita income of a gleam of second-tier cities increased from 1729 to 2013 yuan, an increase of 16%.Third line cities increased from 1251 yuan to 1251 yuan, increase 20%.And to this day in 2012, the data must be higher.Increasing income to make their purchasing power increases, enterprises and companies for office furniture consumption is relatively more buying power.But we also want to see, the data itself is aimed at consumers, the main consumers of the office furniture's enterprise, so the data can only reflect the situation of the furniture market, office furniture company to investigate according to its own characteristics.

The < stRong > 2, the second - and third-tier cities furniture better persuade consumers.


According to the pie chart, two lines and threeCities consumers are easy to be pers귭, their impulse buying is better than a city high line.That is to say, shenzhen office furniture is more calm and rational consumers, not easy to persuade.This above the difficulty of the sales, very easy to determine, office furniture sales of small and medium-sized cities more easily.

3, on marketing, Meg office furniture company in shenzhen has consulted a TV ratings.< / sPan >

According to statistics, the capital city of China central television (CCTV) rating is 45.5%, and the second - and third-tier cities ratings have 54.3%, that is, to join shenzhen Meg office furniture co., LTD. In the central television station to do a marketing advertisement, second - and third-tier cities will have more viewers to office furniture customers!Received the same office furniture marketing costs is not the same as the marketing effect and value.

4, second - and third-tier cityThe city office furniture of e-commerce is more easy to

On the electronic commerce of office furniture, in 2008, taobao (now renamed as Tmall mall) annual turnover is one hundred billion yuan, is almost four times that of wal-mart in 2007, 73% of the turnover from the second - and third-tier cities!This not only for office furniture of e-commerce has great potential for development, but also tells us that the office furniture of e-commerce market is mainly in the second-line cities!And 91% of taobao registered members from two line three line city!Huge potential, makes the home officeMost companies have to face the market of second - and third-tier cities.


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