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Office furniture and maintenance considerations

office furniture and maintenance precautions

I. Tiegui Maintenance

transportation process to avoid knocking, to prevent surface damage caused cabinet rust. When

place to gently, to maintain the level, and to maintain a certain distance from the wall.

placed on the ground to keep dry, prevent moisture and alkalization.

avoid contact with liquid acid, to prevent the cabinet is corrupt.

cabinet surfaces should be kept clean. If the surface is not clean, use a detergent to clean with a dry cloth. Avoid direct contact with the cabinet surface corrosive materials placed inside


use the correct method to unlock the lock in order to avoid damage.

switch doors, drawers open to light a light off to avoid crashing. Do not use a hard object percussion cabinet, do not use sharp objects placed under the surface.

II class tables, usually care how

1, the usual maintenance:

A. If the desktop stained with dust, first to feather broom to remove dust, then wipe with a clean rag.

B. normal maintenance is not easy hair removal using a clean cloth, wet wrung wipe. Try to avoid using too strong qualitative or rough cloth or unclean cloth to prevent damage to the product surface.

2, maintenance:

if the product for some time, the surface of some of its products in many rubs or scratches, as long as a service back to the factory renovation can, as new, save after factory reset set fee.

3, Note:

A. by using class tables, veneer, natural products, different batches Delivery Product color will have a little color.

B. Try to avoid using oleaginous furniture bright detergent, easy chemical changes arising from the desktop albino situation. Albino situation occurs when the desktop should be back to the factory maintenance.

C. If the desktop gets the grease composition, the general cleaner wipe. Should avoid the use of highly volatile products of scouring oil wipe.

D. To make the film intact, desktop should try to avoid placing a plastic pad.

three leather executive chair maintenance

1. Identification skin: good or bad

class quality leather chairs, can be seen from genuine leather and artificial leather. Leather is a natural material, flexible, artificial leather stretch leather back to power is not as elastic, so artificial in use for some time there will be relaxation phenomenon.

2. normal maintenance:

first with both hands and pat wrung cloth to wipe, generally do not have chemical cleaners, cotton cloth moistened with water graze decontamination, every other month to leather oil swab can be.

put Covers anti-dust when not in use, not exposure. Do not put too damp places, a relative humidity of about 40% can be

Fourth, wooden furniture decontamination cleaning Seven Methods

1, Soap cleaning method

time to time, shall wooden furniture cleaning time, wash with a soft cloth or sponge with warm soapy water to scrub light, dry, then painted furniture wax oil to make it light.

2, Milk cleaning method

with a clean cloth in the expired can not drink milk, dipped it, and then use the second rag to wipe the table, such as wooden furniture, remove dirt works well. Finally, wipe the reuse of water, for a variety of furniture.

3, Tea cleaning method

Painted furniture contaminated dust can be used wet gauze wrapped tea residue wipe or scrub with cold tea, make furniture, especially clean and bright.

4, beer cleaning method

taking 1400 ml of boiling ale, plus 14 grams of sugar and 28 grams of beeswax, mixed well, when the mixture cools, wipe with a soft cloth dipped in wood. This law applies to oak furniture clean.

5, white vinegar cleaning method

equal parts white vinegar and hot water mixed wipe the surface of furniture, then use a soft cloth to wipe hard. This law applies to the maintenance of mahogany furniture and other furniture were ink traces of pollution clean seedlings.


Lemon cleaning method If polish or varnish on the wood are matches and other hot heat leaving traces. First with half a lemon, wipe, and then soaked in hot water with a soft cloth to wipe. Finally, then dry with a soft cloth to quickly wipe dry, polish to restore as ever.

7, Toothpaste cleaning method

white paint on the surface of furniture, course of time will turn yellow, it seems very refreshing. Available wiping cloth dipped in toothpaste or tooth powder, paint color can be friction, so as not to wipe off the paint, damage to furniture surfaces.

In addition, with the dust on the furniture, do not whisk with a feather duster and the like. Because the flying dust will fall on the latest furniture. Semi-dry cloth should be used to erase dust on the furniture, this will wipe clean.

8, egg white cleaning method

time goes by, there are several particularly stubborn dirt on a white leather sofa at home, a headache. At this point, you can take the right amount of egg white with cotton dipped repeatedly wipe the leather surface of the leather sofas and other dirty places. This cleaning method is particularly effective for leather products, egg white and there is a certain polishing effect, after use of leather will be showing its original luster.

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