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YiKongLong Furniture (HK) Co., Limited
[Office Feng Shui] what is put on the desk

deskWhat do you put on the top? This is really worth everyone's attention, since we have to pursue the cause of perseverance, but the layout of the good officeFeng ShuiOh, very helpful to your career. Of course, for the general staff, to change the layout of the entire office obviously not, then it can only be from his desk of the, the following Xiaobian tell us that in the end office desk what good?



What's on the boss's desk


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OneIf you are the boss, and you have a safe office in the office, you can put a pot of greenBotanyThe shield, so it has the role of financial security; in addition, don't let the plants withered, withered, once such signs, immediately, such as remove yellow leaves of plants, avoid the destruction of the office of Feng Shui.



TwoBoss also have division of the male and female, the male boss's office, the best in the left side of the seat placed a pot of tall plants, in Feng Shui, boss desk on the left is the Tsing Lung, placed in this position up to the green plants, with CAI.modernMost of the boss's office have floor to ceiling windows, but Feng Shui emphasizes the & ldquo; knee unreal Cai & rdquo; in order to avoid this, placed in front of a row of plants. For the female boss, the content of the same need to pay attention to, but also in the office table to put a basin of flowers, and in theFlowerpotInterpolation of four roots Rong Hua Zhu, a Wangcai role, should not put on the desk of barbed plants (such as cactus).

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