+86 755-29577311 bisheng@ekonglong.com
YiKongLong Furniture (HK) Co., Limited
Office desk refreshing method
The site most often feel tired workers, is nothing more than the shoulder and neck, eyes, back and head. Here are some simple ways to refresh.
Head movement
After sitting, the most prone to discomfort is the part of the head. Eye head and shoulders remain stable, both hands to hold the head. Turn left you in the head, moving slowly, until can't turn back, stay for 3 seconds; and turn to the opposite direction.
Nasal side
With two index finger in the nose tube side rub, while with the breath, as long as the rub a few, you will find that the nose is smooth, with fresh air come in, a lot of clear headed. And a method, use the left thumb to press the left nostril, at the same time with the right thumb rubbing back and forth in the right side of the nose, with the breath to do 20 times, and back to learning to do a.
Massage eye
First, you can first double palm rub hot, the palm of the hand cover in the eyes, the eye in the heat, gently turn left turn, right turn, next to the pressure of the eye socket. That is the way to press the brow eyebrow is along with thumb, to massage the temples. High blood pressure, do not force on the temple should re rub gently.
Relax shoulder, neck, back
Sitting in a chair, body straight, head back slowly back, let the body get stretched, the body is "a" glyph. Hold for 15 seconds, can relax the tension of the back and neck.
Hands to hold the head, body anteflexion, then upper body recline, elbow outward, try to straighten the body, maintain three to four seconds, slow do 5 times, has a good effect on the waist.
Pat the whole body
Office workers most of the time is to sit, blood circulation is not good, with an empty palm pat the body is a simple and effective way to make the blood circulation better. Specific practices are: with arms swinging to beat each other behind his shoulder phase back, shoulder ache removal; pat chest help the lungs discharge some usually breathe without exhaust. Cross your arms flapping axillary, can strengthen the lymph detoxification function; pat the abdomen to gastric intestinal normal grasshopper moving; bent down to pat thigh and inner thighs can reduce lower body edema and enhance lymphatic drainage. But it should be noted that, in the whole body, when the body parts, do not be too hard, and even can not beat.
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