Learning how to work around the house suitable arrangement ?
hits:745The main problem this year is preparing for the exam alone, this is the graduate school. The main problem is the poor self-control man at home reading a book is not doze absent-minded, but why have a look at most courses require Internet access courseware. So important exam previous review did not meet all targets. To know almost found a lot of good people there is a problem at home can not see into the book, endless work, execution decreased. Some willing to occupying a seat, some go to the cafe, it is to change a setting.
course I have tried in the past to learn the cafe, the effect is really good. I thought it was elegant cafe seating comfort, but later found that it seems not. The environment is not very good, very comfortable seat cafe I can sit and read, and the more I feel that the people around them in the loading force I see of enthusiastically. I read a number of statements to the effect that it was no better environment than the environment, an environmental oversight role. But the main problem less money ah! Monthly salary of thousands, is the only point of squatting cafes cheapest American coffee, the long run is a great amount of overhead. So I was thinking, can not put their own house is furnished in appropriate and efficient learning work? Currently I live in a three-
wherein a 30+ square meters of small rooms, I have an empty house, originally a study, probably 30+ square meters. In the case of house furniture can change how around the house (note the whole family, I think that the study seems not only disposed, when the onset of cancer lazy I can hide in the bedroom) arranged for study or work?
all walks of life friend Please mention their own ideas. Not necessarily confined to pro forma and learning, such as overtime and the SOHO Group How to work effectively from home or the like. Pure nonsense.
are learning over the people, to answer all these little birds flavor answers.
who have not seen sleeping in the classroom for students? Who did not see the couple fall in love in the library? Who has not seen the candidates in the examination room looking around?
suitable learning environment is working to get, then write Ouyang Xiu pillow, and immediately, on the upper side is purely nonsense.
Chairman Mao said cantilever Cigu spirit is commendable method stupid.
answer also answer that with this environment.
have seen a classroom, students sit an afternoon, have seen students reading to see the day, I do not know even read the novel to see incredibly hard.
to change the mentality.
wanted a way to correct poor self-discipline, a top environmental wool. A small restaurant
I often eat, listen to adults speak, a child a child lying on the dinner table, not the question asked diners are eating.
that environment all the way through the test to Tsinghua University. I have at heart the envy plus admire.
bad attitude, all around the school bully, you should still sleepy eyes closed.
dreams, goals are not lit according to you along the way, how can you still motivated to solitude forward.