How to make both the living room and den living room features ?
How to make both the living room and den living room features? 2 individuals have desktop computers, a relatively small bedroom, do not want to affect the rest, so I'd like to fight the living room a living room and den both places. Frank invited :)
do not know how the landlord of the chamber, if it is the small size of room in the living room houses a library to make use of better lighting area, so whether you read a book or work will feel more comfortable, written expression may not be better reflect, small warm or recommend more practical sets with FIG. most families are really no large bookcase, do not overestimate your collection of books and reading speed. Mounted at the top of the table a few shelves economical and practical and would not account for the formation of the local table, select the table with the same color shelf visually as a whole, to avoid too many small pieces to make the space seem cluttered. This is a very space-saving desk and sofa combination with the program, space utilization sofa side placed a simple desk and take advantage sofa backdrop arrangement put the book shelf and debris, the earth has been more unexpected combination of space-saving the! Note that in order to avoid clutter, you should choose the color of the walls with desks and shelves, so to maintain visual permeability. This is a not only save space but also taste combinations, an entire wall covered with pictures and decorative painting quite a visual impact on the ground put a row of dwarf bookcase plus a row of simple table with a red Pantone chair , eye-catching and decorative sense. this match for a small living room area, there are more families in need of work at home, if the living room is a square package can be copied. Arranged a long table in the living room, but also to the work dine; Armchair of area and size requirements are relatively low, it can be arbitrarily placed without taking up the entire wall space. the desk and sofa shelf edge connector as a whole, not only more holistic home, but also make full use of sofa backdrop of space, for small units for this Idea too praised! Note that when choosing shelf shelf width is too narrow practicality is not strong, too wide when the family will sit on the couch to stand up and hit the head, usually 30 cm wide more suitable, both to put the book down most of the size, but also He will not hit the head.
hope small warm recommended mix of programs to help you, if your living room and you can almost picture-family home with warm learn more with the program, please download the home warm APP, a warm welcome and a small private letter exchange.