From the stars of the file cabinet cleaning nursing knowledge
Office furnitureFile cabinetAccording to its material can be divided into: plasticFile cabinet,Steel file cabinetWooden office cabinet. Modern and even cloth art file cabinet, sand blasting glass file cabinet. And for their cleaning and maintenance is not the same. Usually, people are direct sweep the dust, wet rag wipe finished, special do not know this way will accelerate the aging of the file cabinet. We are now under the different methods of nursing file cabinet:
Correct nursing of plastic file cabinet and wooden file cabinet:
Three steps: dust removal & mdash; & mdash; clean & mdash; & mdash; wipe dry; relatively clean care of these two types of file cabinet is easy, as long as you avoid sharp scratch file cabinet surface, don't will file cabinet for the sun, long-term exposure, accelerate the aging plastic filing cabinets, wooden file cabinet is prone to cracking and other issues. Wooden filing cabinets need regular use of professional nursing liquid or wax nursing care, while avoiding not cleaning the dust on the surface before the direct use Shimob (dirty cloth wipe wooden file cabinet, for a long time, the wooden cabinet surface easy to accumulate dirt resulting in the bleak.
Proper nursing of cloth art file cabinet:
The so-called cloth cabinet is divided into two: the whole cloth hanging or use steel frame, plastic pipe, a wooden support; second, wood surface sticking cloth or sponge cloth paste;
1 most of the former use of cloth is through the dust, anti fouling treatment, and even some of the water is also waterproof, can be directly removed by cleaning or directly with a wet cloth to wipe;
2 the latter needs to be cleaned according to the characteristics of the cloth. Waterproof fabric daily care directly with a clean wet cloth to wipe the water, non waterproof fabric can only beat the dust of the surface of the paper cleaning cloth, do not use a wet cloth to wipe.
The correct nursing of sand blasting glass file cabinet: to want to know more, the details of login:
Because sandblasting glass cabinet surface is bright, very easy to see fingerprint stains so as to affect the surface appearance, so only need to often use a clean dry cloth or towel can be bright as new. If there are stains, can be sprayed with a small amount of pledge, and then immediately dry.