Encounter something always static how do ?
hits:947. Is met metal N N D is always a smoke a smoked - - electrical Ma, I'm afraid,, .. winter air is dry.
Experts warned that people do not think static electricity is just uncomfortable about, it's health actually have a negative impact. Medical experts had confirmed that the skin can change the static normal body surface potential difference, affecting the normal cardiac electrophysiological processes. This can make the patient worse static, long-lasting alkaline static electricity will increase in the blood, causing itching, pigmentation, affecting the physiological balance of the human body, interfere with people's emotions like.
Associate Professor of Dermatology, Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Xiao Rong said, white-collar office computers face the probability of the onset of erythema, pigmentation and other facial diseases is much higher than the daily operation of those without a computer, which is due to static electricity generated by the computer screen to attract a a large number of suspended dust, so that the face caused by the stimulation.
Due to relatively young skin drying and aging the elderly elderly cardiovascular system, anti-interference ability and other factors weakened, older people are more susceptible to static electricity. Cardiovascular system already has a variety of lesions in the elderly, static electricity will make it sicker. Excessive static electricity often makes anxiety, headache, chest tightness, shortness of breath, cough.
How to prevent static electricity in daily life?
1, as far as possible and hold less put household appliances in the bedroom. This prevents the body with electrical field generated at close range and touch the electrostatic play, watch TV best from the TV 2 to 3 meters.
2, with "third party" to eliminate static electricity. To avoid static electricity hit, used a small metal device (such as keys), cotton cloth, etc. can cause static electricity before touching the door, door handles, taps, back, bed rails, etc. to eliminate static electricity, and then hand touch.
3, with natural fabrics. Underwear, bed sheets, quilt, etc. to make use of cotton, hemp, silk and other natural textiles, try not to use or wear synthetic texture of textile products and clothing.
4, with the comb, hair lotion. Use hair comb, hair lotion shampoo use, can eliminate static electricity.
5, keep the indoor temperature. This is not easy to generate static electricity. Best to use a humidifier in winter, flowers can also be placed to avoid static electricity.
6, floors, walls, ceilings and other space using anti-static materials.
7, eat more vegetables, fruits, yogurt, drinking water, adding calcium and vitamin C, in order to reduce static electricity.