+86 755-29577311 bisheng@ekonglong.com
YiKongLong Furniture (HK) Co., Limited
Do to more modern office furniture

  fashion as we mentioned in the office environment more and more, office furniture, does the small plait feel the fashion of past office furniture and classic now should also be coupled with innovation, it is also the most attention to now, combine the three, is currently a trend.

Constant welfare furniture chairman MeiChunBo think furniture need to mix build, & other;Is classical and modern mix build, a family may have a rough, useful also highlights the modern, there is also a very composed, this is mix build, I think it isIs the one direction of the future.Board office table Office furniture to some extent a bit monotonous, flat, solid wood furniture gives a person feels more life, more stable, so the age level division is very clear.Both sofa, solid wood desk, cabinet office furniture, modern furniture, should be the direction of the mashup.Throughout the &;

Canaan olive this series is also a combination of many elements, including many elements of the world famous buildings, such as Roman column design, the inside of the bible story, making it more culture, more value, this time is madeGive birth to a kind of beauty, and this kind of beauty is a classic, is eternal, Canaan furniture style is classic.

Whether can fully fashion in the office furniture?After all the furniture belongs to durable goods, as li-ping hao said, the pursuit of fashion is completely unrealistic, furniture fashion is furniture itself of some of the fashion elements, as well as to join and all other household elements of a comprehensive.

Desk, filing cabinets furniture fair last year new product display, we see a lot of enterprises are seeking a breakthrough.Top 2011 solid wood product thickness, breaking the traditional solid wood furniture more thin is more suitable for fashionTop board type furniture, young designers' design, also please Germany joined many abstract elements in nature.Most of the enterprises pay more attention to furniture and home accessories perfect collocation with overall output.We are looking forward to more more modern furniture products appear...

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