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YiKongLong Furniture (HK) Co., Limited
Crusades have any effect on the course of history in Europe ?
1. The decline of Christian faith: Muslim countries have to learn business techniques to stimulate Europeans secular life.
2. Augmented people of geographic knowledge: because of the Crusades and prosperous Italian businessman, learn mapping of the Mediterranean; and fellow knight monks of Asia has a new concept, you know the majority of Asian and complex, and the new the concept spread to Europe, sparking a burst of travel, adventure boom; appear guidebook to guide pilgrims to and fro the holy
3. Medical progress: doctors Christian and Muslim Chinese culture by the Jews had a lot of medicine, surgery, because Crusaders. conquests and advances progress

4. Trade: Trade mark and also with the Crusaders extended: Knights lost Palestine, but the Italian businessman take control of the Mediterranean from the hands of the Muslim kingdom and Byzantium, transaction behavior, and because of the Crusades greatly expanded. Venetian conquest of Constantinople, and soldiers carrying pilgrims to Palestine, the transport of goods to Eastern Christians and others, entered the Oriental products to Europe. All this contributed to the development of commercial and maritime traffic, the grand Roman Empire since the heyday only see.

5. industrial progress: damask, thin cotton, satin, velvet, vinyl, dye, powder, perfume and jewelery are from the Muslim kingdom, pertaining to the feudal aristocracy or middle class homes and body coated with metal. polished glass mirrors used in place of copper or steel and manufacturing techniques from Eastern Europe to learn refined sugar & lt;. Venice & gt;. the method of making glass Oriental new market of industrial development in Italy and Flanders, and promote the city and unexpected effects of the growth of the middle class. all this brought about the Crusades.

6. cultural exchanges: the Crusades of the West with the East Mongolian expedition, more cultural exchanges between East and West make a major step forward
Crusaders began in a feudal system of agriculture. due to the rough nature of Germanic mixed with religious zeal triggered; when it is the end of the rise of industrial, commercial expansion, which ultimately caused the resulting economic revolution, it is a pioneer in the Renaissance, but also the financial resources to support the Renaissance

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