Blowing air has been harmful to the skin it?
hits:937In summer, the air-conditioned room to work, study, chat, is a very pleasant thing, but behind the use of air conditioning, hidden Murder, a little attention, can provoke disease upper body. Air-conditioned room and outdoor temperature difference, if people are often out of the air-conditioned room, it can cause symptoms of cough, headache, runny nose and other cold. Often use the air conditioner in the summer season, people often experience the above. If the air-conditioned room temperature is adjusted to a low place to stay for too long time, and had met with thin clothing, it will cause or joint pain, stiff neck or back hard, Shen waist or hip heavy, foot or limb pain, numbness, or stiff joints pain, or light-headed or neck numbness. If you stay too long in the air-conditioned room, the air is not good, easy to make people dizzy. These symptoms are conditioned syndrome, commonly known as air conditioning disease. 2. Effect of air conditioning on the human body: low-temperature environment causes a sharp contraction of blood vessels, poor blood flow, so that the joints damaged by the cold lead to joint pain; the indoor and outdoor temperature difference, people often will feel hot and cold out, this will lead to body balance adjustment system disorders, balance disorders can cause headaches, colds. "Cold" feeling can also make sympathetic nerve, causing intra-abdominal vasoconstriction, decreased gastrointestinal motility, so there are many corresponding symptoms. In women, cold stimulation can affect ovarian function, ovulation disorders, manifested as menstrual disorders. The air anions inhibit the human central nervous system and cerebral cortex plays a regulatory role of the state, however, the air conditioner filters the air excess adsorption of anions, cations indoor increased ions normally cause physiological imbalance disorder, leading to clinical symptoms. Air-conditioned rooms are generally relatively closed, which makes indoor air quality, increased levels of bacteria, concentrations of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide increased, while beneficial to people's negative ion density will be lower, if there are people smoking indoors, more aggravate the indoor air. In such an environment we have to stay a little longer bound to make people dizzy. 3. Air conditioning impact on the environment: in the air-conditioned room, constantly changing direction of the air flow, increasing air velocity, air heat constantly changing these factors interfere with the body's sense of smell, weakening the body's response to air, bacteria, allergens and odor. Due to the presence of air conditioning, the room humidity is too low, which is harmful to human mucous membranes of eyes, nose, etc. of adverse effects. Cause mucosal disease. Sometimes more because the air conditioning in the room but the temperature suitable for drying, bacteria and viruses easy to survive an air conditioner duct in the air, a hair dryer is also suitable for the survival and reproduction of bacteria and viruses, bacteria and viruses are blown out of the air conditioning, easy to lead to large-scale infection . The noise of the air conditioner will interfere with the nervous system. If the design interior decoration of the time, to arrange unscientific air conditioner, these issues will be more prominent. Use of air conditioning, fresh air makes ozone depletion. Generally low concentrations of ozone can inhibit bacterial growth, high concentrations of ozone disinfection, and air-conditioned room in the ozone concentration is very low or almost no air conditioning which increases the symptoms of the disease. 4. Air conditioning disease is more common in women: most likely caused by low temperature autonomic nervous system disorders of women, so women are especially susceptible to air conditioning disease. The reasons: The first is the nature of the decision, in general, women workers running small field, seated office more. The second is not only women's summer short skirts, and a single thin coat quality, all dressed weight of at most 2/3 for the men. Surface, in particular hand, foot, easy to heat, easy to vasomotor disorders. The third is a woman's body better than men, more sensitive to cold stimuli and more chills. 5. Air conditioning disease culprit: after a long period of study, scientists found that the culprit is a disease leading to air conditioning indoor gas formaldehyde. One study found that many commonly used furniture emit large amounts of formaldehyde gas that is thought to be a carcinogen. According to Japan's 23 health research institutions to jointly investigate, summarized by the National Institute of Health Sciences Medicine Japan Analytical results obtained show that: formaldehyde indoor pollution caused by the family is outdoors 7.8 times. Formaldehyde is a volatile organic compounds (VOC), from building materials, furniture, paint and fossil fuels, through the lungs into the blood circulation system to sneak into the human body, the optic nerve and can lead to human memory dysfunction, dizziness and other morbid symptoms. The traditional view has been that indoor air pollution is only dust, bacteria, odor, air-conditioning manufacturer in multi-filter ash adsorption method or a negative ion generator plus multi-layer filter aspects. Although a large number of negative ions can effectively sterilization, dust, but harmful to the human body VOC formaldehyde is still valid. 6. Great car but also Air conditioning disease prevention: automotive air conditioning use in the summer to bring motorists cool world. However, sometimes you cool Language inexplicable tired, dry skin, with varying degrees of numbness, headache, sore throat, and gastrointestinal discomfort and other symptoms, which is typical of air conditioning disease. When using the car air conditioner, do not play the temperature is too low, the temperature difference between inside and outside is generally less than 10 ℃ is appropriate; when the car open air, it is best not to smoke in the car, if smoking, it is imperative ventilation air conditioning control switch to "discharge" position; do not lie suspended in the air-conditioned sleeping car, because the car is poor ventilation, open air conditioning to sleep, may be because the engine exhaust of carbon monoxide leaking into the cabin and poisoning people; parked in the hot sun in the high temperature inside the car the car not to use air conditioning immediately, you should put all the windows are opened to allow warm air to escape to, and so the inside temperature drops, and then close the windows, turn on air conditioning as needed. 7. How to prevent air conditioning disease: → summer, sweating more, when there is sweat into the air-conditioned rooms, remember to replace wet clothes, wipe sweat. Do not stand air conditioning vents momentary gratification. → After regular window ventilation to ensure the exchange of indoor and outdoor air convection, the boot 1 to 3 hours off, then open the windows to exhaust indoor air, the outdoor fresh gas to enter. To make more use of natural wind to reduce the indoor temperature → room Wenyi Heng set at around 24 ℃, indoor and outdoor temperature should not exceed 7 ℃, otherwise the sweating burglary, will increase the burden on the thermoregulatory center. → Use the room air conditioner should be kept clean, reducing the source of disease. → Indoor air flow rate should be maintained at about 20 centimeters per second, the desk must not be placed in the cold wind blowing straight place, because where the air flow rate increases will dip 3 ~ 4 ℃. → If a long time sitting in the office, such as typing, writing, wiring, etc., should be appropriate to add easy to wear off clothes, towels and other cover to protect the knee, taking care to stand up intermittently Events to promote blood circulation. → home from work, the first warm bath, some self-massage, such as appropriate exercise can, of course, better. → After installed the air conditioner should be noted, the elderly and infants should be especially careful, because they feel the temperature difference, temperature regulation were poor, so as not to pay for the enjoyment of unnecessary expense.