Bleach directly with opponents any harm
hits:917My hands with diluted bleach laundry how nail colors are grayed out, fingers still burned whirring, what going to be okay. Sterilization as an effective means of protection, according to scientific, standardized procedures.
Type disinfectant, disinfection and sterilization time interval, is more concerned about three issues. From a medical, disinfectant chlorine disinfection have some effect, such as pharmacies, supermarkets more common disinfectant and medical ethanol (alcohol), can effectively inhibit bacteria. Whether you want to use a dedicated hospital disinfectant, experts considered unnecessary, because after all, not the family ward, take appropriate measures to fully achieve the purpose of disinfection.
Indoor disinfection with spray, wipe the main way, in addition to furniture, the floor surface, preferably on the site of cross-infection prone telephones, door handles and other focus disinfection. Note that, when using the disinfectant concentration must strictly follow the instructions provided for the operation to prevent the initiation conjunctival edema, and even more serious poisoning. As home of the elderly, children and people who are allergic to disinfectant, disinfect when people want to leave the room, more than 40 minutes to 1 hour before the indoor ventilation process. For disinfection intervals, generally based disinfectant to manual operation, but if the conditions are ripe, best to stick disinfected every day.
Disinfection preparations should be stored in a safe place, to prevent family members (such as children or uninformed) drinking or wrongly.
Of course, just more prophylactic disinfection measures in one, if not found around the affected populations, there is no need to "guard." Compared to the family room disinfection, ventilation, personal hygiene, good habits, it may be easier, but also more important.
The higher the concentration, the better it disinfectant
Now, whether to the shopping mall, or in the office, even at home, often just a door smelled of disinfectant strong pungent smell. Spent a moment, felt a slight dizziness, nausea, when we had disinfected in disinfectant watered less, the concentration is too high.
Disinfectant is necessary so thick it?
In general, the use of regular manufacturers of disinfectant is not the stronger, the better, it should be used in accordance with the proper dilution ratio of the original instructions. As usual poorly prepared to respond to emergencies, the face of this sudden "SARS" epidemic, our knowledge of disease prevention, especially the "atypical pneumonia" obviously insufficient prevention knowledge, so it happen.