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Beijing where rental residence cost-effective ?
I am a single sister, to work in the North Fifth Ring, but because carries a restless heart, and lean not a purse, it is looking to find a livable Beijing convenient and not so expensive, the focus is Rentals! ! ! Do not tell me to find a man to marry a ticket, soul mate comparable Guardian alone more difficult to find the master bedroom ~ want to live a little concentrated flavor, you can buy food to cook Liu Waner well children - please Beijing introduced a lot of new and old Beijing, thanks friends! The data speak, all Beijing's rental prices see a map is enough.

If you listen to a classmate Jay's concert in Beijing Workers Stadium, the audience should be full, we would be able to sit forty-five million.

this figure three times the ability to turn a , hundreds of thousands of it, is almost in the Beijing land, average daily rushing Lawton, sitting on the back seat of the car battery intermediary brother, evil wind blown hair was messy unbearable identify the number of people renting.

I just graduated, they also sat on the back seat of the car battery intermediary brother approached the house, but when time is tight, looking for an apartment of logic is this: in the vicinity of the work site to find a friend to love a place to live, completely without really evaluated price.

Thus, simply glanced at the rest of the house, I was in a hurry to set up a cell edge of the Shuangjing subway station. Specific cell where the first name is unknown to say, anyway, long like this:

door so ugly, actually more than 3500 rent a room ... you dare to believe?

And! I learned later, further south from Shuangjing Jinsong, than the average price of a single room rent I chose a cell only about one kilometer cheaper full 1,000 yuan / month, nearly one-third ... although there are two houses and infrastructure conditions difference, but comprehensive measure of cost, own or rented too expensive. So I

serious psychological imbalance, but also intend to dig some of the published data, look carefully at Beijing where cheap rent in the end where you, where the bulk density where, just after the March is the peak of a wave of renters, We are hoping at this point to more renters to bring some help.

ah, first look at one of today's protagonist, Beijing map, it will be a variety of transfiguration.

NOTE: This article is a non-academic, rigorous Do not shoot

one day on the weekend, I grabbed the side of the programmer brother, ripped the 9450 data from the freely rental sites (in order to avoid data too volatile, which screened out at the same time only 5 sets or more rooms in a cell linked to the Internet is used as data analysis), each data includes the following fields: where the cell housing, residential area, the nearest subway station, the price an area of ​​critical information and so long ... probably look like this:

course, the price is absolutely freely and directly rented house prices are also certain differences, but look at the trend through freely should be feasible.

man of few words, said the first results:

this thing called thermodynamic diagram, through Baidu maps API interface for all cells "average rent" and "physical cross-ordinate" mathematically treated after data import and projected corresponding location on the map, and then "the distribution of cell density," according to the "community median rent" each local area and the calculated heat distribution is above the picture is, the more red color indicating that the area of ​​the cell the higher the rent , or that the cell density in the region the greater , green and vice versa empathy. (Keep in mind these two criteria Oh)

from the figure can be found:

1. Heat a large number of red figure between the capital gathered in the north and east, and bicyclic rings;

2. Red eastern mainly in Guangqumen - Shuangjing - Panjiayuan line , Sihui - Shilipu line , and Chaoyangmen - Hujialou - Jin Tai Road line, which belongs to the cell a few lines are relatively dense area, especially where Chaoyangmen - Hujialou - Jin Tai Road line is across the East Second Ring Road, East Third Ring Road, East Fourth Ring of the heart, but also its proximity to Guomao Shuangjing having certain geographical advantages, is likely to have higher rents, so this red highlights three areas can be explained;

3. northern Sanyuanqiao - Wangjing line , Ahn Jung - line Asian Games Village, Xizhimen - College Road line , Wudaokou , a very significant area Suzhouqiao is red, which can also be used like lots (especially school district) and to explain the intensity of the cell;

4. Beijingnanzhan southern periphery there are more significant red, red western Shijingshan District is more fragmented, not discussed in detail;

5. outer rings can also be found in three distinct regions live together, were Xi'erqi north - line Huilongguan, Tiantongyuan and the eastern Tongzhou area.

analysis here, it is time to move another piece of the diagram:

this picture generation principle is, smoothing the difference between the price of rent all cells that artificially "price" of all data fields set a uniform value .


as mentioned earlier, two factors influence the thermal distribution is rental prices and cell density, that is, the data points in height axes and XY coordinate , if not these two factors peel off, we see a red area, and a clear distinction between what is not because of the high rents in the area or because the cell is more intensive. The XY coordinates of the physical location of the cell that is the actual limit can not be arbitrarily changed, so we will all cells "rents" field is set to a uniform value, has been behind this "cell density thermodynamic diagram."

to, compare:

can be found:

concluding a : There are some areas in red in the actual thermodynamic diagram (figure) was significantly stronger than cell density thermodynamic diagram (below ) red, for example, Sanyuan Bridge - Wangjing line, Ahn Jung - Asian Games Village line, College Road vicinity, Chaoyangmen - Jin Tai Road line, Shuangjing surrounding areas, after the exclusion of the density factor, no way, only say rents in these areas is high, that is, high ...

data too dense again, and we look at a few local details open in key areas, and see the conclusion in the end do not fly.

must be my big Shuangjing : cell

Each dot represents the location of the center red dot highest rent price, red box is the average rent in this housing .

Shuangjing subway station side, the two cells with red dots across the tricyclic spacer, R & F City and favored, the average price is to simply rent 3500+ Guards ah ah, I was no brain to rent the house is one of the two ah ah ah, let me calm down.

go a little further south, in some cell Jinsong around a lot cheaper, the average price of a district Jinsong figure only 2200 ah! Several other cell prices are generally not high.

I also learned that, generally higher than the surrounding cell Jinsong Shuangjing older, the decoration is old, so the lower the rent. But darling, you do not use 2200 Jinsong rented house, then spent two thousand own simple transformation about it, living conditions thus obtained is far better than rented new cell Shuangjing Flower 3500! really, I live in a double-well cell in 3500, the renovated condition is okay, that are far from good.

look at the big Wangjing :

house Wangjing area is notoriously expensive! Gathered so many Internet companies, the house needs Wangjing has been very strong, especially next to the Wangjing SOHO several cells, such as Wangjing Park III, IV, and I probably know too, that several cells in order to rent the whole a two-bedroom, at least six thousand since a good number of houses to eight thousand ... so can easily rent a single room here to go to the average price of about 3300 is understandable.

However, the high cost of these cells, the house remains a matter of very soft filling level catch anxious to hand picking a few pictures in the online rental Tintin:

this is that the average price of 3383 yuan single room, two rooms the quality of the entire rent house 6000-8000 yuan Wangjing Park III of Zaoxin ... you say it?

Zaoxin I really feel good.

this quality house is really worth such a price, but the face of such an objective market conditions, most of the people who want to live in Wangjing really helpless.

last look at the familiar big Wudaokou center of the universe ... it

only say, good location, really high rent ...

Huaqingjiayuan such as the not very new the cell also has a similar problem, high rents thief, interior arrangement is very general:

can only say that this house meets all the basic daily needs, but it is a luxury to talk about the aesthetic needs.

Conclusion 2 : with a corresponding conclusions, there are some regional differences in red actual thermodynamic diagram (figure) in the red cell density and thermodynamic diagram (below) are unlikely , such as Beijing South station area, may indicate that the average price of rent in these areas at the middle level.

Beijingnanzhan neighboring cells in 2000 the average price of rent and down, basically within the expected range.

conclusion.The : There are some real heat in the red area (top) was significantly weaker than cell density thermodynamic diagram (below) in the red, such as Tiantongyuan Dongyuan, Tongzhou Beiyuan region and part area, probably because these areas far from the city center, the average price of a lower rent.

Tiantongyuan Beiyuan and Dongyuan:

Tongzhou some areas:

Median rent a single room in these areas generally in 1400-1800, also in line with expectations.

Anyway, we probably had a bit distribution of Beijing overall average price of rent, and basically get a clear idea of ​​the few regions where house prices are particularly high but the actual living conditions and not so good, the future rent when you can look back to see the previous thermodynamic diagram, you will find that the surrounding area is always around the red more green area , even if it is the middle of the red zone, enlarged to see we could see a lot of high price is not a cell, and more to those cells Give it a try, might be pleasantly surprised to find the house high cost oh.

more than nine thousand pieces of data can be analyzed, mining and there are many things to show, other local details bother po ... anyway, the data on this, if a particular interest in which region, please leave a message ~

and welcome to our public numbers, there are more interesting and expected to be home dry - direct search ID: zhu-faner

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