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Application Research of virtual office desktop technology based on USBKey
Abstract: with the rapid development of enterprise information process, enterprise management desktop environment is increasingly complex. Whether the office desktop environment can be used more and more becomes the bottleneck of the desktop system operation and maintenance, the normal operation of the enterprise business, directly affect the production and operation efficiency of enterprises and increase the cost of enterprise management. The emergence of desktop virtualization based on cloud computing technology can solve the above problems to a certain extent. In this paper, USBKey application of the office environment is easy to interfere with the problem of low office efficiency, the application of USBKey based virtual desktop application model is proposed.
Key words: USBKey virtual desktop application research
No. in the chart classification: TP315 document code: A article number: 1007-9416 (2016) 01-0000-00
1 Introduction
Under the background of global economic integration process speeding up, enterprises increasingly fierce competition, pay more and more attention of the information construction of enterprises, large enterprises especially production-oriented enterprises through build the ERP system and a series of management system in order to achieve the business management gradually refined, efficient circulation.
However, with the highlight different desktop operating system, browser, application version heterogeneous environmental problems, especially USBKEY drivers often due to computer environment conflict, antivirus software to intercept and can not be normal use. This makes the enterprise's information department has to spend a lot of manpower, energy and financial resources to repeat the software, the application of failure, configuration. Data show that, although the company's IT budget is increasing year by year, but the IT 75%-80% budget for the existing system of operation and maintenance [1].
With the gradual maturity of virtualization technology, virtualization technology has developed from server virtualization to desktop virtualization and Data Center Virtualization. Virtualization technology is a of software and hardware resources to optimize the integration solution, it by hardware or software partitioning, part or all of the equipment simulation and simulation technology will it resources is divided into multiple execution environment, users can not restricted uniform use of the physical resources and [2] are used to the maximum degree.
2 related technology
2.1 virtual desktop Technology
Virtual desktop application architecture is generally divided into four layers, including access layer, desktop management, resource management and basic resource layer [3]. Among them, in the access layer users through the PC, thin client, intelligent terminal browser or desktop applications landing their virtual office environment, and do not need to install and maintain the actual office environment. In the desktop management, according to the actual needs of dynamic or static management of the virtual desktop. For different desktop pool can be managed in batches, and real-time monitoring of running state. And needs to be combined with the enterprise's identity authentication architecture, usually using the domain management mode in real time, dynamic management of users and desktop permissions. In the resource management layer, the dynamic management of the interaction between the management platform and the basic resource layer, and the physical resources of the pool based resource management. When the resource is abnormal, the virtual resource management platform can realize the rapid migration and high availability of resources. The basic resource layer mainly refers to the physical resources including CPU, memory, storage resources, etc..
2.2 Key USB Technology
Enterprises in the application of construction, often using USBKey as a user's identity authentication and data encryption means. USBkey usually built in smart card or microcontroller, storage user's digital certificate and the private key through the PKI\/CA technology user identity authentication [4]. USBKey application system mainly includes application layer, standard middleware layer, core driver layer and hardware layer [5]. Application level, which mainly involves the call data for the certificate and private key applications, such as use of electronic signature; standard middleware layer is mainly provides a set of API calls the user certificate for user authentication, and decrypt the message etc.; the core driver layer is mainly by PC USB driver and PC \/ SC driver to read the information in smart card; hardware layer mainly related to smart card key hardware devices including chip operating system (COS).
In the application of virtual desktop, the application of USB technology or smart card redirection technology is usually used in USBKey. The main difference between these two technologies lies in the different processing of the core driving layer. USB redirection technology is through the virtual machine in the USBKey driver to read, transfer equipment information and user certificate information, etc.. The smart card redirection technology is through the USBKey driver to read the device information and user certificate, but the certificate is redirected to the virtual machine.
3 virtual office desktop applications
According to the company's employee sampling survey found that employees of the existing office environment is relatively large, involving 8 operating systems, 16 browsers, 8 anti-virus software and 9 kinds of office software. A variety of office environment caused by the user can not normally use all kinds of applications, especially the USBKey application environment is often destroyed. And, because the business users often need to travel around, so in the Internet environment, the situation is more common. Now only through the enterprise VPN into the enterprise network environment for office, the process is more cumbersome and due to various reasons VPN application is easy to be disturbed by the user can not handle the office business.
Based on the above requirements, the enterprises are in urgent need of using virtualization technology, build based on Internet application of USBKEY virtual office desktop application to alleviate the USBKEY environment susceptible to interference problems, improve the efficiency of it operation and maintenance, to facilitate centralized management of IT personnel, the existing business continuity and data security protection.
In the built environment, taking into account the use of existing enterprise most integrated ad domain technique and the need to meet the needs of mobile office of the Internet, so in the virtual desktop application architecture (Figure 1) central office network security server and enterprise integration ad domain for user authentication.
Of which: (1) the network server. Responsible for the security deployment of virtual desktop applications in the Internet environment, such as the security of the deployment, Wan and LAN network conversion, etc.. (2) virtual desktop management platform. Including the connection server, clone server, DHCP server, etc.. Which connect the server service dynamic management of the virtual desktop, in response to the user's connection request, the allocation of the corresponding virtual resources. The clone server is responsible for the generation of the virtual desktop in the virtual desktop pool. DHCP server is responsible for the generation of the virtual desktop IP dynamic management. (3) virtualization management platform. Mainly through the virtual server dynamic management of the underlying resources (CPU, storage, storage resources, network resources). Through the cluster, centralized management data center server, virtual desktop pool and other resources. When the virtual desktop needs to be generated, the underlying operation of the virtual machine is generated.
4 Conclusion
In this paper, based on the analysis of an enterprise's actual office environment, this paper proposes a virtual desktop application architecture based on USBKey application. In the future, further deepening the application of the virtual office desktop, the system's security and backup needs further consideration. And with the large-scale application of the virtual office desktop, data in the calculation of the nodes and storage, IOPS and data transmission capacity of the rapid response will gradually decline, may cause the decline in performance.
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Received date: 2015-11-25
Huang Xiyu (1987 -), female, Han, Beijing people, engineers, graduate students, research direction: management information systems, cloud computing.
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