"White collar" is what a concept ?
white collar
Gray collar
Blue-collar workers (blue-collar inside is divided into: sharp blue, Prussian blue, dark blue)
Jinling: Jinling class is highly centralized social elite class, age between 25 to 45 years old, well educated, have some work experience, business planning capabilities, expertise and resources of certain social relations, salary income 150,000 to 40 million. This class does not necessarily have the ownership of the means of production, but with a company's most important technology and management rights.
White-collar workers: engaged in mental work, required to wear formal suits and other clothing class work.
Gray collar:
It is the title of a class worker, as opposed to "white collar" and "blue collar", the "gray collar" both have strong theoretical knowledge, and staff with strong hands-on capabilities. Simply put, that is, both mental and physical will, in turn hands people.
Collar: refers to engage in physical labor, and are required to wear uniforms of Prussian blue and dark blue working class is engaged in manual labor, sharp blue is intermediate conversion class, white-collar workers as possible transition. Deep Blue refers to certain technical person.
Monthly collar wages
Loans to pay the rent
Telephone charges. Utilities
Rice Youyanjiangcu
Girlfriend diamond ring
Wife bags
Baby milk powder,
Daughter's tuition,
Son ...
The rest did not
Is not white-collar workers