+86 755-29577311 bisheng@ekonglong.com
YiKongLong Furniture (HK) Co., Limited
1, the fixed assets and prepaid expenses What is the relationship ?

computer printers and amortization of years too long , usually five years. You do not have provision for residual value entry should be (10320-10320 * 5%) / (12 * 5) = 163.40

& nbsp; share 163.40 monthly depreciation , amortization five years.

office furniture unit price is not less than 2000 yuan ? If it is less than 2,000 yuan , then , do the consumables is correct, entry is correct. This need not be amortized monthly , when the consumption of consumables over, put the rest of 2075 yuan to one-time amortization expense in .

& nbsp;

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