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Which affect the health of wrongdoing in the way of life there ?

world's most sad reminder of the thing to do is pull a lifetime feces did not pull right. Pant children, sleeping, bathing, do you think these will be born of simple things, like how materials did not do right, and wrong behavior can affect health. Then how are we to do? There are corrections if any, Mian bar.

1. Sitting

we said previously sedentary increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer risk, regardless of how you do not take the time to enhance the movement have been of no avail. We also said that for some strange reason, to sit a long time means that your life may be shortened. However, we have not mentioned it because of the invention of the chair.

thanks Egyptians The invention
we are familiar with today, thousands of years ago there was a straight-backed chair, but now, they are almost exclusively for the dignitaries and equipment. English still has a similar "The President (chairman)" and "university professor (university chair)" and so on and chairs (chair) related to the word, showing the link between the chair and the leadership of the throne look like. By the 19th century, ordinary people are also the seat style backless stool or bench, or will simply like the ancients, like knees and sit.

or sit on torture
you guessed it, our bodies are not generally suitable for sitting straight back seats. When we stand or sit without chairs midnight, our abdominal muscles are at work, helping the spine support our weight. While sitting on chairs, these muscles were relaxed state, all of a sudden only the spine to bear the entire weight of the upper body, like a twig supporting a heavy bowling. Additional pressure is applied on the spinal disc, can eventually lead to chronic back pain, 80 percent of Americans are suffering from this disease.

then how are we to do?
study sitting experts recommend a "positive posture" (sounds as easily as sleep and exercise), sitting on fitness ball, the other kneeling stool or backless stool. You can also use the table vertical to avoid sedentary. If you do not want to use such a strange office furniture, as if his boss carefully studied furniture design like, there is a choice: a study on the use of magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal disc three groups were measured, the three groups among a set of standard posture, a group of lazy sitting, there is a group of 135 degrees and feet touch the ground supine posture sitting. The results show that in the last position in the spinal disc movement happened. Incidentally, the reclining posture in the Roman Empire (including Jesus alive period) is very common. So when work would just sit, and tell your boss that you are in preventive measures, but also in the depth of religious experience.

2. Brushing

bad breath is to let you make no friends in a good way. Nobody wants to be close to a bad breath has been determined that the terms "Geneva Convention" illegal person. So, thank God, we have learned to brush your teeth.

In fact, the usual method of brushing obsession we now make our oral health is getting worse, including increased tooth decay and eventually whole teeth broken. From childhood wearing a shirt printed with cartoon teeth dentist specialized visits to various schools, to our oral traditions dental care knowledge, we recommend brushing teeth twice a day after meals. This makes sense, because you have to put those hamburgers residue teeth removed so that they will not rot your teeth and make you breath into a deadly chemical weapons.

but you'll be surprised to find out that you were wrong. British dentists now recommend that people, especially children 5-10 years of age, do not brush your teeth after each meal. The reason is food and drink acidic substance will soften tooth enamel, brush your teeth immediately after eating acidic foods will destroy the enamel on the teeth, the teeth lose this protection will be easy to generate tooth decay. In fact, the teeth after meals to keep some food residue will not cause much harm, but rather more natural protective layer of the tooth brush harmful. So that after a meal brushing dentists or close your Zuiba.

then how are we to do?
studies show that more necessary than clean teeth brushing flossing. Dental floss between the teeth can either clear the piles of bacteria without undermining the protective layer of the tooth.

However, before you went to the dentist proudly claim to be cracked site told you before brushing harmful, it is still widely believed that one day brush teeth twice is the best way. But you should abandon the habit of brushing after meals so that the teeth have time to recover from the damage of acid over - Ideally meal before brushing. Perhaps you instinctively like to use the toothbrush bristles, in order to truly believe those bastards removing bacteria, but studies show that you should use a soft toothbrush, pay more attention to your gums rather than the teeth. So, not so much brushing, as it is to massage the teeth.

3. delivery

Obviously, a child is much more than some difficulty to breathe. But when you realize that even the last month suddenly jump into your car in front of the simple-minded deer can successfully give birth, you want those of us smart modern humans will do better. The fact is not the case, now most American women still use "lithotomy position" childbirth. This position is very strange, requiring the body lying down, legs raised, sometimes kicking foot should be placed on the child.

in fact, sent to your tube useless legs tied up, it is almost came up with the worst human posture. This idea is certainly not a hippie thought out, they will feel that mothers should be accompanied by dolphins relaxed environment for production: World Health Organization believes that "lithotomy position" birth is undoubtedly very dangerous, and recommended its elimination.

or put in this position for sexual abuse industry
Think not difficult to understand: a woman supine, infants should strive to come to fight with gravity in this world, worry, baby anyway not in a hurry to escape from his worries about the survival of the environment. The result: the production has become more difficult and increase the vaginal tearing pain.

then how are we to do?
Basically, modern medicine has legs in the air upside down posture is defined as a standard position, mainly because they can facilitate the doctors to operate. Most importantly, children and pregnancy is largely the same - not a gesture in a variety of situations. World Health Organization recommends leaving women in the production of energy to move, how to how comfortable. Please use when

production of "champagne stopper" position
but science tells us to avoid horizontal childbirth can reduce pain, squatting birth will typically be 10% of the pelvis Queen. If anyone had his head stuck in the sewers of experience, he must know that 10% of the bayonet Queen sometimes described as significant, the red this point is also made that give birth squatting medals.

4. sleep

Well, shit, respiratory, or many other things that you think you will be born could not do anything right, but surely at night lying in bed every day Total no problem, right? So why three in the morning you woke up? Then lying there worrying about whether they have a sleep problem, thinking he would not oversleep the next morning there is no time to shit or problems?

"I have to remember to use abdominal breathing. I can not deal with so many things"
actually have sleep problems of many people, you are more than one person. If you tell the doctors themselves always awake at night, he is likely to be diagnosed as a "sleep disorder." Every year, tens of millions of United States the number of people in the open sleeping pills, you can get together with them as a prescription sleeping pills. The next day, you will be even feces taste with sleeping pills, sleep a few hours before soberly realize that they just beat up a police. What went wrong?

then how are we to do?
In fact, this thing you did not do anything wrong, wrong is your reaction.

Surprisingly, people think that eight hours uninterrupted sleep is the concept only recently formed. Before Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, people around one day more than eight hours of the time in the dark, when they fragment sleep: 3-5 hours sleep, wake up an hour nap and then 3-5 hours. People will wake up at that hour in meditation, sex, smoking, staring at the wall in addition to suffering from insomnia almost afraid to do any thing. In fact, during this short time window is opened consciousness is the famous "best Eviscerate Time" (gamers know), because this time is considered to be up sleeping on your side that annoying guy spoof some of the best time.

only a suggestion, not mandatory
modern times, the artificial lights so that our normal sleep time becomes more and more late, early segmented sleep eight hours of sleep to be compressed into one. But our brain is not naturally disposed bulb era. In a one-month experiment, the body healthy subjects in 14 hours of continuous artificial "night", they will quickly return to a segmented sleep mode, 3-5 in two hours of sleep in the middle there is a two hours of "quiet sleep" time.

why when we stay up all night watching "Deadliest Warrior" up late when, or will wake up in the middle of it? Although now have electric light, some people tend to return to natural sleep cycle, especially in the long winter nights. Fortunately, technology has such an anti extraordinary brain does not necessarily have adverse consequences. Experts said that as long as you calm yourself and then go back to sleep naturally and do not lay there wondering why they woke up, usually the next day there will be no negative impact.

5. Respiratory

congratulate you: If you are not a ghost, you should read this article when you already know how it is to breathe. But on the other hand, there your breathing method may be wrong.

you suddenly realize that they are now breathing
Now we wait for you to take a deep breath. Most people will put on the shoulders slightly when breathing, chest like a drum as pigeons heat up. You probably do not think there is something wrong with chest breathing, because after all, the lungs in there. Where else can you breathe with the ah, you can not use the thigh, right? Well, do not try to be smart, in fact, should be used to breathe the muscle (diaphragm) is located below the lungs near the abdomen place.

most people are accustomed to using in the upright chest breathing: This is using only top lungs breathing, shallow breathing. In fact, most of the oxygen in the bottom of the lung blood vessels, half did not spend. Lung capacity is wasted so much so as to reduce the amount of oxygen we breathe, so that we now breathe naturally than the others breathing rate is faster.

chest breathing also easily upset the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, causing headaches, fatigue, anxiety, panic and even other illnesses. Some experts say, may also occur palms sweating, tension, pain and fatigue and other symptoms increase.

then how are we to do?
fact, in terms of breathing, babies are much smarter than you. They used the "abdominal breathing" that deep breath, this approach can enhance and make full use of the diaphragm. Just as we age, we are back to a more inefficient breathing. Fortunately, you can train yourself to re-use the correct breathing method, in time you do not even sleep in the abdomen can also be used to breathe.

can Do this with the "snoring" confused, which is a disgusting way
breathing exercises in the process of trying to inhale the abdomen "expanding", the chest to remain intact ; exhale abdominal contraction. This will not only every time you inhale more oxygen will eventually strengthen the diaphragm muscles. Oxygen inhalation diaphragm muscle more solid the more your brain will not have to be distracted by the muscle of oxygen, and thus is no longer so easy to make you tired. When

wide desire to work and pay attention to whether the people around you let out a breathing space!
a survey for patients with heart disease, abdominal breathing can not only improve athletic performance, reduce shortness of breath phenomenon, but also help buck. Therefore, many coaches are regarded as breathing exercises to create a shortcut to the sports power.

6. bathe

small adults taught us a hot bath every day, play a rich lather with Cuozao towel to remove dangerous microorganisms and body odor. If you do not wash, no girl is willing to go out with you, the boss do not want to promote you, you dirty shrink in his kennel waiting to die alone after it.

This is the reason why college
but it turned out, although the daily bath is a social etiquette, but it will be to eradicate a joking as "cuticle" thing. Hot water, soap and towel Cuozao friction surface will be stripped of the stratum corneum, dermal cells exposed. Although we have just used the word in the "off", "exposure" and "horny (English word is also 'high sex drive' means)" and other words, but I assure you it will not make you become sexy. On the contrary, the destruction of this layer of skin protection layer makes us more vulnerable to disease.

This is the kind of sexy
disease in the absence of modern and convenient living facilities before, people did not bathe as it is now so frequent, and the bath water will be reused several times. Even now, a bath can not eliminate bacteria or other microorganisms, but it touches on so they shifted positions. Bathtub walls studded bacteria may to your legs; leg bacteria may went to his head; groin bacteria on your hands might turn in their home. Because of this, many hospitals prohibit surgeon before surgery bath. Even you nor your hands touch the penis.

research shows that no matter how many times a bath to wash, parasitic microorganisms in the human body is not significantly different before and after the bath. Of course, the use of antibacterial soap can kill microorganisms (but try not to get too many chances to breed resistant superbugs), but medical experts generally do not recommend the use of these soaps daily.

then how are we to do?
order to maintain healthy skin, the most important thing is to protect the stratum corneum. There is no requirement to do wash several times a week, but usually do not think a week is seven times on the line. Do not wash with a beautiful French word, it is the celebration of "sans douche (French: without a bath)" day and let the skin time to repair the damage caused by the last bath.

should use warm bath, cold water and mild soap bath (if any), after the cast moisturizer stratum corneum rehydrated, if you can call a sexy man child to help you do it better enough. Once washed, be sure to dry naturally. Dripping water when you eat breakfast at the table, do not bother to protest roommate or family member, you should be grateful to remind them twice a week is only shower.

7. defecation

there's an easier thing than what shit? Even babies are doing very good at it. Then you will be surprised to find that even those of us who can do no nausea hiccups children will make mistakes every day on shit.

you are most familiar with defecation toilet facilities comes. 19th century, with the advent of indoor water pipe apparatus, toilet as an invention of modern times have emerged, they rushed out of a human favor. Results mostly indoor plumbing fixture is very easy to use, but the ensuing stool manner has a problem. A major reason for the large modern toilet seat is germinal hemorrhoids, can lead to diverticular disease (an age-related disease, the incidence is almost confined to the world to use the toilet sitting areas, and derive include "obstruction "including a series of terms). But the situation is no better: in recent years, various kinds of "comfort height" toilet increasingly popular, than the old toilet to 2-4 inches high, make it more difficult defecation.

then how are we to do?
Fortunately, the kind of relatively simple method can end stool dilemma. A 2003 study of 28 people had to observe the process of the stool. These people use three toilet: toilet high, low and squat toilet toilet. We need to use the same as a baseball catcher's squat (squat ball encouraged to wear gloves) when using the squat toilet. Researchers initially almost certainly have been treated as a German erotic company paparazzi, they finally found squatting than sitting stool time it takes to be fast for one minute that the squat stool subject "easier" (God, ah, we hope that these subjects who are paid.)

in fact, human history is the squat toilet to use most of the period, the current toilet Eastern countries is still widely used.

the center of the western countries have adopted sitting
proctologist, said:. "We should not use the toilet seat, we should squatted field" When you are sitting or standing to defecate Baba and an angle formed between the anus, but also for the formation of muscle clamping Baba prevent incontinence. The angle is not squatting problem, but also eliminates a lot of breathless process.

if you think squatting stool is not seemly to be sitting on the toilet seat, feet on the footstool (or any convenient place of something), upper body leaning forward, to manufacture a similar angle efforts to increase the excretion.

did as the way to do some complicated job (such as side edge ambulance texting) we probably can not do anything, but at least those living in the most simple things most people know how to do it.

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