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Improve memory scientific methods are there?

improve memory is no longer a dream. Whether it is the name of a new business partner, or the location of the car park, you can remember. If you tend to forget names, forget your keys, wallet or meeting content, you can take some measures to improve these problems. As long as the right way to live, and then learn some improve memory skills, you can improve memory. Scientists believe that as long as there is no brain disease, anyone can improve memory. And There are many ways, take your pick.

improve memory training

and jigsaw puzzles are more popular method of activation of brain cells, these games will force you to think creatively. Because jigsaw puzzles and thinking will load a series of high-intensity tasks, including mathematical, logical reasoning, identifying graphics and non-linear thinking, therefore, in the course of the game, people thinking ability will be strengthened.

puzzles and other mind games will not only improve memory acuity, but also so that people come into contact with interesting new environment. Studies have shown that novel, stimulating environment can improve the state of brain cells, improve the strength of the connection between brain cells, prevent brain decline due to aging, improve memory. Travel to new places and do things not done, learn a new sport, or develop new hobbies can improve memory. Therefore, time out, go to a museum or other place to see it.

Just keep life fresh, often go out, people's memories will not deteriorate with age. If you can not often go out, to ensure that the home environment and daily life of fresh and pungent have the same effect. For example:

1, listen to music every day, of any type, but the researchers found that classical music to a larger intellectual stimulation.
2, prepare some books, and more time to read. If you are unable to arrange a fixed time for reading, put the book into the bag or briefcase to carry it, so you can use the bus or subway waiting for an appointment of fragmented time to study.
3, at home or in the office put a goldfish bowl, raise some more colorful beautiful goldfish, purchase interesting underwater model.
4, the painted walls of the house into a favorite color, or colorful wallpaper paste. I arranged some art works and decorations in the room, and the carpet, hung curtains. Try to use a textured pattern pillow cases, blankets and furniture. Do not forget to put flowers in the room, flower color and scent will stimulate your senses.
5, ready puzzle, chess and other items, when a visitor invited to play with them.
6, prepare a home computer and the Internet Society, the proper play some difficult games. Video games in your unconsciously, improve memory in the joy of the game process.
7, learn exotic recipes, or to enjoy an exotic restaurant that you normally can not eat things.
8, more contact with people. Scientific research shows that a stable, strong social relationships enable people to reduce frustration, to avoid the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease, will be more vigilant in life performance, a more positive attitude. So, spend more time with people to get along with it, especially when a person drifting away. Join a book club, bowling club, church group or local volunteer associations are a good choice, these organizations allow you to recognize and make new friends. Do not forget to regularly remote relatives and friends for a long time do not write or call contact. With people from all over the world through a network email, chat is also a good method of communication.

remember, whether it is touch, taste or other, anything involving the senses can stimulate thinking, enhance memory, so we try to experience new things.

figurative thinking brain also promoted. For example, in traffic jams, queues at the clinic or lie awake in bed, we can recall childhood and visualize things in my mind, from the bedroom, first grade classroom to the parents of the vehicle structure and so on. Visualization can stimulate thinking, the people released from anxiety and tension, and to obtain a relaxed mood. Through these methods, you'll recall forgotten about something.

tips improve memory

you can take immediate measures to improve memory. Memory decline with age and is not to say absolutely, we can take some skills to make up for most of the problems. Some people are good at names like memories, good memories and some people minutiae. Expect a person to remember all the things that are not real, but you can not remember a number of measures to improve good memories of things.

people will forget all kinds of things every day, even if he has done it a hundred times more than has been done, would still one day forgot to turn off the stove, unplug the iron plug and the like. In fact, most people perform every morning complete again, "check" process, because they know what they will be forgotten, such as forgetting to turn off electrical switches, forget before you leave home close windows.

want to completely get rid of this state of daze, you must know what you're doing. Once pay attention, you will forget the original purpose, a direct result of forgetting. Need to continue to focus efforts, many times people will not accidentally distracted, rushed to order such a rush to go out on a date and is likely to forget to bring something important. If your memory is not good, you have to slow down, or even stop, focus dedicated to doing the things you are doing.

you have been driving to work in his memory before you leave home if iron pulled the plug experience? In order to improve the ability to remember daily chores, you need to stop the hands of the matter, the first focus of the switch to turn off household appliances, will be converted into unconscious behavior conscious behavior can help you remember it.

follow these steps:

1. out in front of the first stop, take a deep breath and give yourself time to think. If you are locking the back door, seriously think about what you were doing.
2. concentrate and speak're doing, force yourself to pay attention to it. If you often forget to turn off the stove and ran into the kitchen, slowly turn off all electrical appliances. Whenever looking at the same appliance, tell yourself "is turned off the oven, toaster power is unplugged." So that when you drive away from the house when you know exactly what those who have been turned off.
3. Carefully inspect everything. If you easily forget important things, leaving the forefront of a list. Double-check everything, read aloud. Discover the calendar, make sure that everything you need and are ready to write.
4. do it immediately. If you need to bring a library book that, when you get the time to think once. If necessary, you can even book a place placed near the front door, for example vertically against the door.

if forgetful of the problems that often plague you might make life a little out of control. Pressure overload, too much responsibility and anxiety will greatly interfere with your focus of attention, but also affect memory. When the mind is occupied by something else, it is likely absent. Those who are easily distracted particularly vulnerable to interference, become forgetful victims.

Here are some quickly regained control over everyday life, enhance memory method:

1. things organized. Column a schedule, according to the project schedule above down to do it. If the arrangement is reasonable, you'll be able to remember details other ways to make up for lack of memory on.
2. make a list every day. Every day to do things that are written on the list, whenever something is completed, draw a fork. Listing to one place, but also the content of sorting. Try to use eye-catching colors of the large piece of paper, making it easy to find.
3. Place a calendar at hand, write down important dates. See the calendar at the same time every day, you'll gradually formed the habit of watching the calendar. Beginning of each year to buy a new calendar, and from the old calendar to the days of copying all important new calendar.
4. give everything to stay one seat vacant, everything will be on track in its place. If you key in the lock properly stuffed in the door, it is easy to find the key and where.
5. If you must carry a fixed daily items because of work or school needs, you can prepare a bag or backpack, put it in the front door, installed in the bag in advance you need to bring something.
6. once only concerned with one thing, concentrate on doing everything, keep the mind active.
7. do some visual cues, such as: In the car's steering wheel, briefcase, handbag, office chairs, bathroom mirror, shoes or purses posted some colored notes. As much as possible stick note, do not harbor a trace of chances that you will remember these things.
8. record important numbers in one place so that you can quickly find when needed. Make sure your wallet has recorded these numbers note: the doctor's phone, emergency contact information, a neighbor's phone, Medicare and Social Security number, driver's license number and car insurance information.
9. keep records of what happened on the list and schedule.
10. Each time you run out of things back in place in a timely manner, relying on the "place" to trigger your memory (for example, placed in a door handle of the umbrella).
11. kept repeating. If someone tells you to remember some of the information to myself repeating this information.
12. frankly face their decline with age and memory, memory loss can use other methods to slow down, to be sensitive to things is a good way to reduce memory loss.

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